California Auto Insurance
Whether you’re traveling along the coast or heading to Hollywood, you’ll need car insurance in California. In fact, the AARP® Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford1 has been protecting AARP members in California and their families since 1984. Throughout this time, we’ve earned high customer ratings for claims services and a reputation for integrity.
How Much Is Car Insurance in California?
According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), the average cost for auto coverage in 2019 in California was $1,052. This is slightly lower than the national average of $1,070.2 However, costs vary per person depending on a variety of factors.
What Determines California Car Insurance Rates?
California, like many states, rewards good drivers with lower insurance rates. So, if you have a clean driving record, your premium’s cost will go down with a safe driver discount. There are a number of factors that can influence how much you pay for seguro para autos, including your:
- Tipo de vehículo
- Average mileage in a year
- Coverage limit
- Montos deducibles
- Credit score
- Vehicle use
- Claims and insurance history
- Car’s year, make and model
Conozca más sobre el costo promedio de un seguro para autos hoy mismo.
Car Insurance Benefits Offered to California Drivers
California drivers can receive valuable auto insurance benefits and discounts from the AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford, including:
- New Car Replacement:§§ If you total your new car, we’ll replace it with a new one of the same make, model and equipment with no deduction for depreciation.
- 24/7 Claim Service: You can reach our representatives at 800-243-5860 any time of the day to report a claim.
- RecoverCare:§ With this benefit, we’ll give you up to $2,500 to pay for transportation, cooking, cleaning and other help you need after you’re injured from a car collision.
- Labor & Seguro de remolque: This optional coverage can help pay for emergency roadside assistance if you break down. It’ll also help you get your car towed to a repair shop. For this benefit to apply to you, you’ll need comprehensive coverage.
California Minimum Car Insurance Requirements
liability insurance gives you bodily injury and property damage coverage from an accident. So if you rear end someone, this coverage can help pay for repairs on their car. Each state also has a minimum amount of liability auto coverages that they require.
The California state minimums for this protection are:3
- $15,000 for bodily injury, per person per accident.
- $30,000 for bodily injury, total per accident.
- $5,000 for property damage liability insurance, per accident.
To get full coverage insurance in the state, you’ll need more than these minimum coverages to help pay for damage. Generally, you’ll also want collision and comprehensive insurance to help protect your car.
Proof of Car Insurance for California Drivers
If you’re a licensed driver in the state of California, it’s smart to keep a copy of your car insurance ID card in your vehicle, along with your registration. California does accept electronic proof of car insurance, and with The Hartford mobile app, you can store your car insurance ID cards right on your phone. For more information, visit the Google Play™ or App Store.™
California Uninsured Driver Facts
Uninsured motorist coverage helps pay for damages and medical expenses if you’re hit by a driver that doesn’t have insurance. Generally, you’ll need two policies for this coverage, including:
- Cobertura por lesión corporal por un conductor no asegurado
- Daños a la propiedad por conductor no asegurado
The state of California doesn’t require drivers to carry this coverage. However, it’s still a good idea to have it to get have full protection while you’re on the road.
Additional Car Insurance Coverages and Benefits Available to California Drivers
For added protection, California drivers may also be eligible for the following las coberturas de seguro para autos from the AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford:
- Transportation expense
- Roadside assistance
- Cobertura de gastos médicos
Staying Safe on California Roads
California has a number of safe driving laws that help keep you safe while you’re on the roads, including:4
California Seat Belt Laws
California is one of many states that have a primary seat belt law. This means that law enforcement can ticket a driver or passenger for not wearing a seat belt without any other traffic violation.
California Distracted Driving Laws
In California, texting while driving is not allowed at any time. It’s best to keep your cell phone put away while behind the wheel.
California Teen Driver Laws
Getting a driver’s license is an exciting time for teens. But there are certain graduated licensing laws required in California. These limit nighttime driving, restrict passengers and mandate enough supervised driving practice.
Last Updated: October 16, 2023
2 Insurance Information Institute (III), “Average Expenditures for Auto Insurance By State”
3 State of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), “Insurance Requirements.”
4 Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), “State Laws.”