Best Small Business Insurance

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Best Small Business Insurance for Your Company

Best small business insuranceOwning a small business means you’ve made a big investment. Chances are, you work long days and even weekend hours. You do it because you’re passionate about your business, customers and clients. That’s why it’s so important to find the best small business insurance for your company, to keep everything you’ve worked so hard for protected.
To find the best coverage, you’ll want to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today. We can help you find the right seguro para pequeñas empresas that can help ensure you don’t lose everything if a disaster strikes.
For example, you could lose your business property and equipment if a fire breaks out. Or, you may have to close if you can’t afford to cover a customer’s medical bills after they slip and fall while inside your location.
We offer multiple types of business insurance to help protect small businesses from claims that could shut you down.

What Is the Best Insurance for a Small Business?

There’s not a one-size-fits-all small business insurance policy. Every business is different and has unique needs. You can customize your coverages to create the best small business insurance policy for you.
Many small business owners start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) for basic coverage including general liability insurance. It combines three essential coverages that help protect your small business from claims of bodily injury or property damage. With a BOP, you’ll get: 
You can also customize your BOP to add more coverage for your small business, like:

How Much Does Small Business Insurance Cost?

Our customers paid an average of $67 a month for general liability insurance and $86 a month for workers’ compensation insurance.1
Small business insurance costs can vary because each business is unique and has different needs. Insurance companies use different factors to determine costs, such as:
  • Types of coverage
  • Claims history
  • Lugar
  • Industria
The best way to find out your business insurance cost is to get a cita online or through your local insurance agency.

How Do I Know if I need Small Business Insurance?

Most small businesses need insurance because they would not be able to afford a large loss or liability claim from a disaster or lawsuit. Small business insurance protects your company, products and the professional services you provide from the legal costs that may fall on your business. Many states also require that all businesses, regardless of size, carry workers' compensation insurance.

Getting the Best Small Business Liability Insurance for Your Company

Best small business liability insuranceYou want the best small business liability insurance you can find to keep your company protected. To get the best one, you’ll want to work with an experienced insurance carrier.
We have over 200 years of experience and have worked with small business owners in every industry to better understand their risks. So, our specialists can look at your industry specific needs and find the types of coverage that are right for you. Whether you need a cita or help filing a claim, we’re here for you.

For Technology Businesses

Common technology insurance coverages include:
  • Professional liability insurance to help protect business owners from errors, mistakes or omissions in services provided to customers. You can add this coverage to a Business Owner’s Policy or purchase it as a standalone policy.
  • General liability insurance to help cover claims that a technology business hurt somebody or damaged someone else’s property.
  • Data breach insurance to help respond to a breach if personally identifiable information is stolen. Some insurers call this coverage cyber liability insurance.

For Pet Groomers

We’ve helped pet groomers across the country get the coverages they need. Common pet grooming insurance options include:
  • Animal bailee coverage, which helps protect animals in the care of a groomer. If an animal gets hurt or lost, this coverage can help pay for veterinary bills or advertising costs.
  • Animal damage to buildings coverage to help protect buildings or business property. So, if a dog escapes from their leash and chews up a chair, this coverage can help pay for the damages.
  • Pet groomer professional liability insurance, which helps cover legal costs or judgments and settlements if a client sues a groomer for a mistake or omission in services.
We also offer coverages for animals, like pet trainer insurance, which can help protect your pet training business from liabilities like an injured pet, data breach or property damage.

For Accountants

We know accountants face challenges unique to their work. Common accountancy insurance coverages we offer include:
  • Electronic data and interruption of computer operations, which can help pay to repair or replace a firm’s computers, data or software if they’re damaged from a virus or power failure.
  • Valuable papers and records coverage to help recreate important paperwork if they’re damaged. This includes ledgers, financial statements or employee and client files.
  • Accountants professional liability insurance to help protect a firm from lawsuits related to mistakes or omissions in the services given.

For Videographers

Our videographer insurance helps business owners film confidently. Common coverages for videographers incluyen:
  • Professional liability insurance to help cover legal costs if a client sues them for a mistake or omission in the services given.
  • Scheduled camera equipment coverage to help pay repair or replacement costs for equipment. This coverage applies to equipment wherever it is in the world.
  • Commercial auto insurance to help protect them and their team on the road if they drive for business. This can help cover property damage and injuries from an at-fault accident.

For Home Inspectors

Examining the structure of a house can put home inspectors at risk of many types of claims, from assessing property damage to providing inaccurate advice. Common coverages we offer for home inspector insurance incluyen:
  • Business income for essential personnel to help replace lost income if a home inspector has to miss at least a month of work. Be aware that this insurance is only available for home inspection businesses with employees and coverage doesn’t apply to the business owner.
  • Lost keys coverage to help pay for new locks if an inspector misplaces a set of keys.
  • Contractor’s tools coverage, which helps protect equipment worth less than $500. It can help pay for repair or replacement costs if the tools get damaged.
  • Professional liability for home inspectors, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, helps cover legal defense costs if a customer sues you for a mistake your business made on the job.

For Caterers

Working with food means you face risks. Common catering insurance coverages we offer include:
  • Perishable goods in transit to help cover losses from food getting spoiled while in transit.
  • Liquor liability insurance to help cover claims that a caterer caused an injury from selling, serving or furnishing alcohol.
  • Business income for food contamination to replace lost income if a governmental authority shuts down the business after a food poisoning case. It can also help cover extra expenses.

Best Small Business Insurance Companies

It takes some research to find the best small business insurance companies. Not every insurer is the same or offers the same kind of protection or customer service.
At The Hartford, we’re proud to be a commercial property insurer that’s helped over one million small business owners. We want to help you get the business insurance products your company needs. Encuentre un agente de seguros local or get a small business insurance quote today and learn how we can help your company.
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
1 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford’s Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
insurance for small business owners

Get a Free Online Quote for Small Business Insurance

Whether you’re in the retail, construction or financial services industry, most small business owners need small business insurance. Having it can help protect the livelihood you’ve worked so hard to build. The right small business coverage can help cover expensive damage and lawsuits from:
  • Accidents
  • Natural disasters
  • Professional errors
  • Workers’ comp claims
The Hartford no será responsable de ningún daño relacionado con el uso de la información proporcionada en esta página. Consulte con su agente/corredor de seguros o compañía de seguros para determinar las necesidades específicas de cobertura, ya que el contenido publicado aquí se ofrece con fines informativos solamente.
La información contenida en esta página no debe interpretarse como asesoramiento legal, de Recursos Humanos, financiero o de seguros específico, y no es una garantía de cobertura. En el caso de una pérdida o reclamación, las determinaciones de cobertura estarán sujetas al lenguaje de la póliza, y cualquier pago de reclamación posible se determinará luego de que se investigue la reclamación.
Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.