Pet Grooming Insurance

pet grooming insurance

Insurance Made for Dog Groomers, Trainers and Daycares

You spend your days taking care of dogs. We spend ours protecting the business you’ve worked so hard to build. Whether you’re looking for dog groomer insurance for your dog training business or doggy daycare, we have the coverage you need with our pet grooming insurance.
pet grooming insurance

Why Is Pet Grooming Insurance Important?

Working with dogs has plenty of perks, but it also comes with potential risks that other business owners don’t have to worry about. As a dog trainer or dog groomer, having the right type of seguro de negocio can make all the difference.
dog grooming insurance

Who Needs Dog Grooming Insurance?

  • Doggy daycares
  • Dog training businesses
  • Dog groomers
  • Pet care businesses
  • Mobile grooming companies
  • Pet grooming business
  • Pet kennels
dog trainer insurance

How Much Does Dog Grooming Insurance Cost?

We know it can be stressful to run a small business. Having dog grooming insurance can help take away some of your worries by giving you peace of mind – and it doesn’t have to come with an expensive price tag. Your pet grooming insurance cost will be based on how many employees you have, how big your business is and what type of policy you want.

What Do I Need for Dog Daycare Insurance or Dog Grooming Insurance?

Many small businesses start with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). It combines three essential coverages to help protect you from claims that may come from normal operations:
General liability insurance helps cover claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else’s belongings.
Commercial property insurance helps protect the place where you do business and the equipment you use. This coverage applies whether you own or lease your equipment and can include:
  • Grooming tables
  • Leashes
  • Collars
  • Kennels
  • Crates
  • Grooming and training equipment
Business income insurance can help replace lost income at your pet grooming, pet training or pet boarding business if you can’t open because of covered property damage.
dog daycare insurance

Here for You, 24/7

We try to work around your schedule. That’s why we offer your proof of insurance instantly online, whenever you need to access it.

Covering Your Dog Grooming Operations

From training to bathing to caring for dogs, we know you’re always busy. That’s why having pet care insurance for your business is important. With the right kinds of coverages, you can have peace of mind as you work, knowing your business is protected.
29% of small business owners work more than 50 hours per week.1
pet grooming business

Employee Theft

“I hired part time holiday help for our busy season. After a couple weeks, I realized our cash drops weren’t matching up to my daily revenue. Turns out my receptionist was pocketing about 20% every day.”
Employee dishonesty coverage helps if an employee steals money, securities or other property owned by your business.
animal bailee

Dog Injury

“One of my groomers was bringing a dog out to their owner when another dog was being brought in. The two dogs ended up not getting along and one of them wound up with a nasty bite that needed a vet’s attention.”
Animal bailee coverage helps protect your business when an animal in your care is accidentally injured or lost. It can pay expenses like veterinary bills or reward costs to help you search for and recover a lost or stolen pet.

Protect Your Dog Grooming Team

The people you hire are usually good with animals, but accidents can still happen. That’s why having dog grooming insurance or dog training insurance is so important. We’re here to help you give the best care possible to the animals you love by helping protect the employees you rely on.
More than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States.2
mobile grooming

Injured Worker

“The floor was slippery from a busy Saturday of back-to-back appointments. One of my groomers slid across a puddle, falling right on her back. She had to get X-rays and ended up needing therapy.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related bodily injuries or illnesses. This insurance can help pay treatment costs and replace some of their lost income.
dog groomer insurance

Customer Lawsuit

“We groomed a recently rescued dog who was in very bad shape. He left looking like a new dog, however, a week later he died. We found out when we got the paperwork that we were being sued. The owner believed his death was a result of a bad cut she claimed the dog got while in our care.”
If you’re sued for damages resulting from the professional services you provide, pet groomers’ professional liability helps cover the cost of your defense.

Proteja su propiedad

We know you’ve worked hard to get your business where it is. But as much as you plan and prepare, disaster can still strike. We’re here to help when it does with pet grooming insurance that protects your property. Made for dog trainers, dog groomers and dog daycare owners, this property insurance will keep you covered.
The startup costs for dog grooming businesses in the U.S. range from $50,000 to $60,000.3
doggy daycares

Daños a la propiedad

“The dogs in our daycare love spending time outside. Of course, some like to dig holes and chew things they shouldn’t. We keep a good eye on them to prevent this, but one of our dog’s recently chewed right through our wooden fence and we had to replace part of it.”
Animal damage to buildings coverage helps with repair costs that are needed as a result of issues that animals in your care have caused.
pet grooming business coverage

Data Breaches

“I never thought hackers went after pet businesses. Turns out I was wrong. Someone got into my computer system and copied my entire customer database. I had to notify everyone that their information was stolen and had to purchase better security measures to make sure it wouldn’t happen again.”
Nuestra página data breach insurance helps businesses respond to a breach. If personal, confidential or sensitive information gets lost, this coverage can help pay the costs to notify impacted individuals and replace lost income.

Dog Trainer Insurance That You Can Trust

Chances are, giving instruction and guiding the dogs you care for is part of your daily routine. We know you’re passionate about what you do, and we’re proud to give you the protection you need as you do what you love. Backed by more than 200 years of experience, we work with pet groomers and dog trainers throughout the country to offer coverages they need for the unique challenges they face.
Find out more about other animal services professions we insure:
pet groomer insurance

Pet Grooming Insurance to Protect Your Small Business

We’re here to help make sure you’re fully covered.
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.