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business owner applying for general liability insurance
Get General Liability Insurance Coverage
Keep your business protected from risk and liability claims. We’ll get you covered in minutes.
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What Is General Liability Insurance video

What Is General Liability Insurance?

General liability insurance helps protect your small business from claims that it caused bodily injuries or property damage to others. Without general liability coverage, you’d have to pay for these claims out of pocket. General liability insurance (GLI) can be called many different things, like business liability insurance, commercial general liability insurance, or comprehensive general liability (CGL).

What Does General Liability Insurance Cover?

With general liability insurance for small business, you'll have protection from claims of:
  • Lesiones corporales
  • Daños a la propiedad
  • Reputational harm
  • Advertising injury
  • Damage to property rented to you
Start protecting your business. Get a general liability insurance quote for your small business today.
Start a Quote Online

How Much Does General Liability Insurance Cost?

On average, general liability insurance costs $67 per month, or about $805 per year, from The Hartford.1 Just remember that general liability insurance costs are different for everyone because every business is unique. Factors that can determine these costs include:
  • Type of business
  • Revenue
  • Number of employees
  • Lugar
  • Policy details, like coverage limits and deductibles
The best way to find out your general liability insurance cost is to obtener una cotización.
small business owner protected by general liability insurance coverage

Who Needs General Liability Insurance for Business?

Did you know that four out of 10 small business owners are likely to experience a property or general liability claim in the next 10 years?1 Claims range from unexpected incidents, like a burglary, to unforeseen accidents, such as a customer getting injured after slipping and falling.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Liability insurance coverage helps protect you from costly general liability claims that can happen during normal business situations, such as:
  • You or your employees representing a client
  • Meeting with clients face to face
  • Working on or with another person’s property
  • Using third-party locations for business activities
  • Advertising your business
You may also need this coverage if your clients request it. Many clients want to confirm you have general liability coverage before they sign a contract with your business. You can prove you have general liability insurance with a certificate of liability insurance.
General liability insurance covers a wide variety of incidents but doesn’t cover every kind of claim. Depending on your small business, you may need different types of coverage to give your business more protection. A general liability insurance policy won’t cover commercial auto accidents, employee injuries or illnesses, damage to your business property, professional mistakes or errors, purposeful wrongdoings or illegal acts, or any claims that cost more than your liability limits. It also won’t cover claims related to data breaches or lost income if your business can’t open because of covered property damage.
State laws don’t usually require business owners to carry general liability insurance. But it’s still a good idea to have this liability insurance coverage. If a customer sues your business and you don’t have coverage, it can put your business’ finances and your personal assets at risk.
It's important to understand your state’s general liability insurance laws. Work with a local insurance agency or our dedicated small business insurance team to help you choose the right business liability insurance.
When your business is covered with general liability insurance, your coverage can help pay for the following examples:
  • A customer or client slipping and falling in your business, requiring medical treatment
  • Your employee accidentally damaging a customer’s wall while working in their home
  • Defense costs from lawsuits against your business
  • Judgments and settlements from a customer or client’s lawsuit
Although it’s not required by state law for LLCs to carry business liability insurance, it’s a good idea to get your business protection against everyday risks. Without it, you’d have to pay out of pocket for claims made against your business, which can be costly. Talk to an insurance agent or get an online quote today and see how we can help protect your LLC.
When you’re ready to get a general liability quote, you’ll want to have the right information handy. This includes the:
  • Registered name and address of your business
  • Year you established your business
  • Number of locations you have
  • Number of employees you have
  • History of liability losses in the last three years, including damage to property, accidents and injuries
  • General liability limit or coverage amount you are planning to buy

Get a General Liability Insurance Quote Made for Your Small Business

Not all insurance companies are the same. It’s important to work with one that you can trust. We have over 200 years of experience helping small business owners protect their companies with coverages like general liability insurance.
Whether you’re looking for a quote, trying to understand general liability class codes or need help filing a claim, we have your back.
To learn more, start a free quote or get your general liability insurance online. We can also help you get other essential business coverages, like commercial property insurance and commercial auto insurance.

Contenido adicional

small business opening

Otras coberturas para empresas

We offer insurance coverages for companies of all sizes – large and small.
Última actualización: 17 de mayo de 2024
1 The information outlined in this release is based on an analysis of five years of claims data (2010-2014) from more than one million of The Hartford Business Owner’s policies.
2 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
3 Internal Revenue Service (IRS), “Publication 535 (2023), Business Expenses.
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
The Hartford no será responsable de ningún daño relacionado con el uso de la información proporcionada en esta página. Consulte con su agente/corredor de seguros o compañía de seguros para determinar las necesidades específicas de cobertura, ya que el contenido publicado aquí se ofrece con fines informativos solamente.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.