Liability Insurance for Cleaning Services

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General Liability Insurance for Cleaning Services

General liability insurance helps protect your cleaning business from claims that it caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else. Liability insurance for cleaning services is an essential coverage for many small business owners.
You may have heard other names for general liability insurance, such as:
liability insurance for cleaning servicesYour cleaning service business will likely take you to a variety of locations – all of which can expose you to different liability risks. If you’re not sure if you have the right amount of coverage, you can talk with one of our specialists. Obtenga una general liability insurance quote and see how we can help protect your business.
After you get coverage, you may go through a general liability insurance audit. Businesses can change from year to year, so an audit ensures you have the right amount of coverage for your business.
To understand the importance of general liability insurance for cleaning services, consider these scenarios:
  • You own a carpet cleaning service. As you’re treating a carpet, your cleaning equipment accidentally damages it. Your general liability insurance can help pay to fix the damages to your customer’s property.
  • A client hires your small business to clean their home. After you clean, you forget to warn your client or put out signs that the floors are wet. As a result, one of them slips, falls and breaks their ankle. Your general liability insurance can help cover their medical bills.
  • A customer hires your business for laundry services. Their designer dress gets caught in the track of the laundry rack and tears. Your general liability insurance can help cover the costs to fix or replace your client’s damaged dress.

Do I Need Liability Insurance for My Cleaning Business?

Cleaning liability insuranceGenerally, states don’t require businesses to carry general liability insurance. However, most cleaning businesses can benefit from a general liability insurance policy. Bodily injuries and property damage can happen during normal business operations.
Some clients may also require you to carry liability insurance before agreeing to hire your small business. You can give them a certificate of insurance to prove you have coverage.
Some types of cleaning businesses that can benefit from liability insurance include:
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Limpieza doméstica
  • Dry cleaning
  • Office cleaning
  • Maid services
  • Janitorial services

What Is Covered by Cleaning Liability Insurance?

Cleaning liability insurance can help cover claims that your business caused:
  • Bodily injury, like if your cleaning supplies or chemicals got a client sick.
  • Property damage to someone else’s belongings. This can include breaking a window while cleaning in a customer’s home.
  • Personal injury, like libel or slander.

How Much Is Insurance for a Cleaning Company?

Insurance costs for a specific cleaning company vary. That’s because each small business is different. Insurance companies look at different factors when determining costs, which can include:
  • Type of business
  • Claims history
  • Number of employees
  • Lugar
The best way to find out your cleaning company’s business insurance cost is to obtener una cotización.

Additional Insurance Coverage for Cleaning Companies

General liability insurance won’t cover every kind of claim that your cleaning business faces. You’ll likely need to get other types of insurance coverage to give yourself well-rounded protection.
Many small business owners get a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). In addition to general liability insurance, it also includes:
Be aware that if your cleaning business has employees, most states require workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance gives your workers benefits to help them recover from a work-related injury or illness.
Additional insurance coverage you can get to help your cleaning business include:
  • Commercial auto insurance to help protect you and your employees on the road if you drive a company-owned vehicle for business.
  • Umbrella insurance to increase the coverage limits of certain liability policies, so it can help cover expensive claims.

Get Liability Insurance for Cleaning Businesses

Partnering with an insurance company that understands your business is important. We’re backed by more than 200 years of experience and know the unique risks that your cleaning business faces. Our specialists are here to help you and can work with you to get the coverage you need. Whether you have questions about coverage or need help with a claim, we’ve got your back.
Reciba una cotización today for your cleaning business.
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.