Independent Contractor Liability Insurance

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Do Independent Contractors Need Liability Insurance?

Independent contractor liability insuranceAs a 1099 contractor, it’s important to have the right insurance protection. You can get sued just as easily as any other small business owner, and liability claims can be very expensive. If you don’t have coverage, and a client or customer sues you, you’ll have to pay the costs out of pocket. And that can be enough to close your business.
That’s why we offer independent contractor liability insurance, which is a type of general liability insurance (GLI). This coverage can help protect your business from certain liability claims.

What Does Contractors General Liability Insurance Cover?

General liability insurance for independent contractors, which you can think of as 1099 insurance, can help cover claims of:
  • Property damage or bodily injury that your business causes.
  • Reputational harm as a result of malicious prosecution, slander, libel and more.
  • Advertising injury, such as copyright infringement in your advertising.

Who Needs 1099 Contractor Liability Insurance?

Contractor liability insuranceSo when is liability insurance needed? It’s a good idea to have other types of liability insurance coverage to round out your protection. Some additional types of insurance that can help protect you and your business are:
  • Independent construction contractors
  • Plomeros
  • Carpenters
  • Electrical contractors
  • Painters
  • Repair contractors
  • Cleaning services
  • Freelance writers and editors
  • Graphic designers
  • Independent hair stylists and salon professionals
  • Horse or dog trainers

How Do 1099 Contractors Get General Liability Coverage?

Independent contractors liability insuranceIf you’re wondering how to get general liability insurance, there are two ways:
From your client: Your clients can add you to their general liability insurance policy as an additional insured. This covers you while you do the job, but it can be costlier for your clients.
From an insurance provider: Getting your own coverage is typically the more cost-effective option for your clients. When you get your policy, ask for a certificate of liability insurance so you have proof of coverage.

What Other Kinds of Insurance Does an Independent Contractor Need?

It’s a good idea to have other types of insurance coverage to round out your protection. Some additional types of insurance that can help protect you and your business are:
Commercial auto insurance if you use your vehicle for work. This can help cover damages if you get into an accident while driving for business.
Workers’ compensation insurance if you have employees or classify yourself as an employee of your business. This coverage provides benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness.
Errors and omissions insurance to help protect you from claims that you made a mistake in your professional services. This coverage is also known as professional liability insurance.
Business income insurance, which helps recover income you lose if you can’t open because of a covered loss.
Commercial property insurance to help protect tools and equipment you use for your work, whether they’re owned or rented.

Contractor Liability Insurance FAQs

How Much Is Liability Insurance for an Independent Contractor?

The cost for liability insurance for independent contractors varies. Your business’ general liability insurance cost can depend on your:
  • Risk exposure
  • Business location
  • Experiencia
  • Policy details, such as your coverage limits and deductible amount
Because there’s not a one-size-fits-all liability policy for independent contractors, it’s a good idea to work with a local insurance agency or get quotes from different insurance companies.

What Is the Difference Between Contractor Insurance and Independent Contractor Insurance?

Liability insurance for contractorsBoth contractor insurance and independent contractor insurance offer the same coverage against certain liability claims. They’re essentially different names for general liability insurance.
So, like independent contractor insurance, general liability insurance for contractors can help protect you from claims of bodily injury or property damage.
We’re backed by over 200 years of experience. And we make it our business to figure out the best way to support you and your business. You can get a general liability insurance quote today to learn more about how we can help protect you.
6 Types of Insurance Your Business Needs Now
6 Types of Insurance Your Business Needs Now
Download our FREE guide and in less than a minute we'll help you understand the following:

  • Basic definitions of the essential business insurance coverages.
  • High level understand of the costs of business insurance.
  • How you can get help finding the right coverage at the right price.
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