Architect Insurance

Architect Insurance

Architect Insurance: A Blueprint to Protect Your Business

We know the unique risks and challenges that architecture businesses face. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to design an architect insurance policy that’s built to protect your business.
Architect Insurance
Do architects need insurance?

Do Architects Need Insurance?

You bring dreams to life, taking building ideas from visions to drawings. And while it may be rewarding work, it can also lead to risks. That’s why architects need seguro de negocio to help protect your:
  • Empleados
  • Propiedad
  • Equipos
  • Assets
Architect professional liability insurance

Who Needs Architect Insurance?

  • Arquitectos
  • Architectural designers
  • Architectural firms

What’s the Best Coverage for Business Owners?

When it comes to insurance for architects, many start with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). This includes three essential insurance coverages that small business owners need to protect them from claims of bodily injury or property damage. A BOP includes:
General liability insurance to help cover claims that your architecture business hurt someone or damaged another person’s property.
Commercial property insurance to help protect your firm’s owned or rented building and the equipment you use to operate. This includes:
  • Computers
  • Tablets
  • Cameras
  • Scanners
  • Workstations
  • Measuring tools
  • Notebooks
  • Clipboards
Business income insurance to help replace your lost income if you can’t open your architecture business because of covered property damage.

Covering Your Architecture Team

Your employees are key to your architecture business’ success. If they get hurt or sick from their job, it not only can significantly impact your company, but also puts their health and well-being at risk. That’s why architect insurance is essential to have.
There were 43 fatal occupational injuries in the architecture and engineering industry in 2019.1
Do architects need professional indemnity insurance

Employee Injury

“One of my architects was drawing a building through our software program when her fingers froze up. She could barely move them and after a trip to the doctor, she was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.”
Workers’ compensation insurance can give benefits to your employees to help them recover from work-related injuries or illnesses.
Architects & engineers professional liability insurance

Business Mistake

“My architect met with a client to discuss their house blueprints. They approved the design in person, but after submitting it, they sued us, claiming our measurements weren’t accurate.”
Architect professional liability insurance helps protect businesses from claims of mistakes or errors in the professional services given. Professional liability insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance (E&O).**

Covering Your Architect Business’ Property

Your tools, equipment and property are essential to operating your architect business. That’s why it’s important to protect them with the right type of architect insurance in case the unexpected happens.
The equipment needed for an architect business can cost a minimum of $5,000.2
Insurance business architecture

Computer Virus

“Some of our design files were corrupted. We found out it was because our computer system had a virus.”
Electronic data coverage can help pay to restore destroyed, corrupted or inaccessible files due to a covered cause of loss.
How much does architect insurance cost

Car Accident

“I was driving our business van to meet a client at a job site. On my way there, a car slammed into my rear bumper. I was okay, but it damaged our van so bad that I had to call a tow truck.”
Commercial auto insurance helps protect you and your employees on the road when driving for business. It can help cover property damage and claims of bodily injury.

Protecting Your Architect Business’ Operations

We know running an architect business is hard work. Certain risks that your business faces can prevent you from operating. Architect insurance can help protect you and replace lost income if a covered loss temporarily closes your business.
Nearly half of the data breach incidents at small businesses in 2020 resulted in the loss of credentials.3
Are architects required to have insurance

Stolen Information

“One of our employees opened an email from a client, clicked on the link inside, then entered their password to log in. Turns out it was a phishing attack and the hacker ended up stealing client information.”
Data breach insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, can help cover your costs to respond to a breach if personally identifiable information gets lost or stolen. It can help pay to notify impacted individuals or offer credit monitoring services.
Public liability insurance for architects


“We received an emailed invoice from one of our consultants. We sent them the money for the bill, but it turns out it was a fraudulent request and didn’t actually come from the consultant.”
Fraudulent transfer coverage helps pay for the loss of money, securities and other property due to fraud.

Architect Insurance Designed for You

When it comes to protecting the business you’ve worked so hard for, you’ll want to partner with an experienced insurance company. We’re backed by more than 200 years of experience and our specialists can work with you to make sure you’re following the architect insurance requirements. We make it easy for you to create a customized insurance policy. We know your small business is different than others and you may need unique coverages.
Find out more about other building and design professions we insure:
Architect liability

Architect Insurance Built for Your Business

Get the protection you need with an architect insurance company that has your back.

For Larger Firms

Larger architectural & engineering firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
** Professional liability insurance for architects and engineers is not available in all states.
1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, “National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries in 2019”
2 ArchDaily, “How Much Will It Cost to Start My Own Architecture Firm?”
3 Verizon, “Data Breach Investigations Report: 2021”
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.