Interior Design Insurance

Interior Design Insurance

Business Insurance for Interior Designers & Decorators

You’re great at your job, but no matter how hard you try to keep everything running smoothly, issues can arise. When they do, we’re here to help get you through them with interior design insurance made for you.
Interior Design Insurance

Do Interior Designers Need Insurance?

Whether you specialize in residential, commercial or outdoor spaces, running a home or commercial interior design business can expose you to unique risks. And remember, running a business comes with common risks too, like property damage and data breaches.
To learn more about insurance for interior design professionals, get a business insurance quote today. We’ll let you know what the most popular design insurance is and how you can customize a policy for your needs.
Business insurance for interior designers

Who Needs Interior Designers & Decorators Insurance?

  • Interior designers
  • Interior design consultants
  • Decorating consultants
  • Interior decorating consultants

What Kind of Business Insurance Do Interior Designers Need?

If you’re wondering what kind of coverages you need as an interior designer, we can help you customize a plan that best fits your unique business. Most home and commercial designers start with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). This will help protect your interior design business in similar ways to how a homeowners policy helps protect your home.
A BOP combines three basic coverages that are important to small businesses like yours. It includes three types of insurance:
As a business owner, we know you’re looking for insurance to protect your small business that doesn’t break the bank. By combining coverages, a design insurance BOP can help save you money.
Do interior designers need insurance?

You Won’t Have to Wait With Us

We know how important your time is. That’s why we offer the option to get your proof of insurance instantly online.

Covering Your Interior Design Operations

From handling client requests to maintaining your schedule, running an interior design business can be stressful. That’s why you need design insurance that can keep you protected from all the other stuff you don’t plan for. We pride ourselves on getting to know what our customers need, and have created our interior design professional liability insurance with you in mind.
60% of small companies that suffer a cyberattack go out of business within six months.1
Interior Design legal defense insurance

Customer Lawsuit

“One of my assistants incorrectly told a customer she could use a certain type of paint on her cabinets. The customer sued after the paint completely stained the countertops below.”
Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions coverage, helps cover your legal costs if your interior design business gets sued. Without this coverage, you’ll have to pay for your defense costs and settlements out of pocket.
Interior design data breaches insurance

Computer Virus

“I opened an email from a client with a link to see her new home. Turns out, her email had been hacked and by clicking the link, they got into all of my accounts too.”
Electronic data pays to replace or restore what’s been destroyed, corrupted or made inaccessible by a computer virus or covered cause of loss.

Taking Care of Your Team of Interior Designers & Decorators

Whether you have one assistant or a team of interior designers you oversee, taking care of them is vital to the success of your business. And you might even be legally required as a business owner to maintain certain types of insurance. Depending on what state you’re in, you most likely need workers' compensation insurance, which will cover you if an employee suffers a bodily injury or illness while on the job.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported over 143,000 hand-related workplace injuries in 2015.2
interior design workers' compensation insurance

Employee Accident

“One of my decorators went up on a ladder to adjust a painting that was hung crooked. On his way down, he lost his footing and fell, spraining his ankle.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related injuries or illnesses. With our coverage, your employees can access our network of over 1 million providers and 65,000 pharmacies.
Interior design commercial auto insurance

Car Accident

“I was on my way to a client’s house during a thunderstorm. While on the highway, my car hydroplaned and I ended up in the median. Thankfully I was ok, but my front bumper had a lot of damage.”
Commercial auto insurance can help keep you and your team protected on the road when driving for business. It helps cover damages from auto accidents that you or any employees cause.

Protecting Your Interior Design Property

As a small business, you face big risks every day. That’s why choosing the best business insurance for interior designers can make all the difference. You need the kind of coverage that you know has your back, protect not just your interior design business’ physical property, but your digital assets, too. We’re here to help you keep doing what you love, without having to worry about all the risks that come with it.
According to FEMA, 40% of small businesses never reopen after a disaster.3
interior design property damage insurance

Office Fire

“I rent my little design space in a big office building. One morning, I arrived in the parking lot to see fire trucks. An electrical fire had started in our building, and I lost a ton of files – not from the fire, but from the water damage from the sprinkler system!”
Valuable papers & records covers the important paperwork you have stored, such as ledgers, financial statements or employee/client files.
interior design cyber liability insurance

Stolen Client Information

“We specialize in commercial design, so when my computer got hacked, I panicked. I have a lot of private financial information from some big companies stored. We notified each one about the breach and got it cleared up pretty quickly.”
Data breach insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, helps small businesses respond to a breach if confidential information gets lost or stolen. We can help cover your costs to notify impacted individuals and offer credit monitoring services.

The Best Interior Design Insurance for Your Small Business

To get the best coverages for your company, you need to first find out what you need. We can help you decide by explaining the kind of coverages we provide and the types of insurance we offer. Then, we can customize a plan that works best for your interior design business. We’re proud to partner with talented designers and decorators throughout the country, helping over 1 million small business owners like you get the protection they need to stay successful.
Find out more about other building and design professions we insure:
Decorators insurance

Interior Design Insurance Dedicated to You

We know what you need for insurance coverage, and we have it all ready for you.
Última actualización: 25 de abril de 2024
1 The Denver Post, “60% of Small Companies That Suffer A Cyber-attack Are Out of Business Within Six Months”
2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – 2015”
3 Insurance Information Institute, “Hurricane Alert: 40 Percent of Small Businesses Never Recover From a Disaster”
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.