Wyoming Workers’ Compensation

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Wyoming Workers’ Comp Insurance

wyoming workers compensationWyoming workers’ compensation insurance provides employees suffering from a work-related injury or illness with important benefits. It can help cover:
  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral costs
  • Lost wages
  • Ongoing care expenses
  • Disability benefits
So, if your construction employee breaks their leg on the job and needs time off to recover, workers’ comp can help pay their lost wages. It can also help pay for their physical therapy and medical costs.
In Wyoming, you’ll need to buy workers’ compensation insurance from a state fund. This is because Wyoming is Monopolistic, which means you can only get Wyoming workers’ comp from their state fund and not from a private insurer.

Is Workers’ Comp Required in Wyoming?

Is workers’ comp required for all Wyoming employers? Most businesses in the state of Wyoming need workers’ compensation coverage. However, there are some exemptions, including:
  • Casual laborers
  • Employees of private households
  • Professional athletes
  • Federal government employees
  • Volunteers working for certain organizations

Wyoming Workers' Compensation Coverage

Wyoming workers’ compensation coverage is important for most businesses. It can help cover the medical bills for an employee’s work-related injury or illness. On top of this, it can help cover:
  • Ongoing treatment like physical therapy for injured employees
  • Funeral expenses
  • Disability benefits
  • Lost wages if your employee is unable to work and needs time off to recover
So, if your employee is injured on the job, they’ll need to report it to you immediately. They should include details of their injury, including where it happened and how it occurred. From there, you can file a report of injury with the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services so your employee can start receiving benefits.

How Does Workman’s Comp Work in Wyoming?

Wyoming is one of four monopolistic states that require you to purchase workers’ compensation through a state fund rather than a private insurance company. Esta state fund for workers’ comp is governed by the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. However, workers’ comp that’s purchased through a state fund like this one doesn’t include employer’s liability insurance.
This coverage helps protect you from employee injury lawsuits. Wyoming employers who want this coverage must buy it as stop-gap coverage that’s added to their general liability insurance policy from a private insurer.
To learn more about the stop-gap coverage you need, obtener una cotización from us today. We’re an insurance company that’s been helping small businesses get the coverage they need for over 200 years. You can count on us to help keep your business protected.

How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cost in Wyoming?

The cost of workers’ compensation is different depending on factors, like your:
  • Industria
  • Type of business
  • Nómina de Sueldos
  • Employee’s type of work
  • Claims history
To find out the cost of your workers’ compensation coverage, you’ll need to work with the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. They can help you get the right coverage at the right price.

Common Questions About Wyoming Workers’ Comp

Is Wyoming a Monopolistic State for Workers’ Compensation?

Yes, Wyoming is a monopolistic state for workers’ compensation. This means you’ll have to buy workers’ comp coverage from the state fund and not from a private insurer. The other three monopolistic states are:

How Do I Get Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Wyoming?

You can get workers’ compensation from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services and find information about their workers’ comp coverage on their sitio web. It’s also important to note that state monitor advocates can help farm workers ensure they’re covered by workers’ compensation.

Get a Quote From The Hartford

Although business owners need to get workers’ compensation coverage through the state fund, they can get other Wyoming business insurance coverages through insurance companies like us, in particular stop-gap coverage. You can also get coverages like:
To learn more, obtener una cotización today. We’re an insurance company you can count on to help get the insurance coverage you need at the right price. We’ve been helping businesses get covered for over 200 years.
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