Washington Workers’ Compensation

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Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Washington State

washington workers' compensationWorkers’ compensation insurance, also known as workman’s comp or workers’ comp, gives your employees benefits that can help them recover from a work-related injury or illness. Washington workers’ compensation coverage is only available through the state fund. This means it can’t be bought through a private insurer.

Does Washington State Have Workers’ Compensation?

washington state workers' compensationMost employers in the state of Washington are legally required to carry workers’ comp coverage, which is available through the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. While state workers’ compensation insurance is recommended for all businesses, there are a few exceptions to the state law:
  • Independent contractors, sole proprietors or limited liability company (LLCs)
  • One domestic worker in a private home with less than 40 hours per week of labor
  • Gardeners or maintenance workers in private homes
  • Children under 18 doing farm work for their parents
  • Employees already covered under the Federal  Employees’ Compensation Act
  • Certain musicians and entertainers
  • A person working in exchange for aid from charities or religious organizations
  • Salon workers and make-up artists who rent or lease their own space

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Washington State?

workers compensation insurance washington stateIf one of your employees is injured or becomes ill from their job, Washington workers’ compensation can help pay for their medical bills and prescriptions. It can also help recover some of their lost wages if they’re unable to return to work right away.
Washington state workers’ compensation coverage can also include:
  • Some travel expenses for medical treatment
  • Total or partial permanent disability
  • Retraining or employment assistance for injured workers
  • Death benefits for eligible survivors of deceased workers
Washington is one of four monopolistic states requiring employers to buy workers' compensation coverage through a state fund for workers rather than a private insurance company. Small business owners need to file a business license application with the Washington State Department of Revenue. Workers’ comp purchased through Washington’s state fund does not include employer's liability insurance, which protects small businesses from lawsuits resulting from workers’ compensation claims. Instead, employers in the state of Washington who want this coverage must purchase it as stop-gap coverage. This benefit can be added to a general liability insurance policy purchased through a private insurer, like The Hartford.

How Much Is Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Washington State?

Your small business is unique. The cost of workers’ compensation insurance in Washington state will vary based on how many employees you have, as well as the type of work they do. The best way to find out your business’ insurance cost is to get a workers’ comp quote  hoy mismo.

Get a Quote From The Hartford

Although workers’ compensation laws require Washington business owners to buy coverage through the state fund, there are other important industrial insurance coverages we offer to protect small businesses. Don’t forget that employers looking for business insurance in Washington or other monopolistic states also need stop-gap coverage. With more than 200 years of experience, we’ve got your back and are here to help protect you, your employees and your small business.
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