Wyoming (WY) Business Insurance

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Choose The Hartford for Your Wyoming Business Insurance Needs

Business Insurance WyomingWyoming, the Equality State, is home to 65,462 small businesses making up 98.8% of companies in Wyoming in 2018. Those small businesses employ 137,665 employees. Small businesses in Wyoming are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees.1 Seguro para negocios in Wyoming can cover businesses in Cheyenne, Jackson, Laramie, and more. Learn more about Wyoming seguro para pequeñas empresas y data breach insurance de The Hartford.

Types of Wyoming Business Insurance Offered

Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Seguro de compensación para trabajadores, or workers’ comp, provides benefits to Wyoming employees for work-related injuries or illnesses. Wyoming workers’ compensation insurance coverage includes medical care, help replacing wages lost when unable to work, and more. Workers’ comp insurance protection also covers an employee’s family with a financial benefit in the case of a death, as well as helps cover related legal fees if the family sues your Wyoming business.
The Hartford’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance can help cover the costs associated with medical expenses needed to treat job-related injuries. Workman’s comp insurance can also help employees retain their income while they take time away from the job to recover from an illness or injury received on-the-job.
Workers’ comp insurance can help protect your Wyoming business and employees in events including:
  • An employee trips on the icy stairs coming into the office, injuring her shoulder and requiring a visit to the hospital and multiple weeks of recovery.
  • An employee who slams his fingers while moving desks requires a doctor’s visit, casts, and four weeks of time off from work to recover.
  • An employee is returning to the office after a meeting a client downtown and is injured in a multi-car accident, requiring an ambulance ride to the hospital and medication.

Wyoming Business Owner’s Policy Insurance

A Wyoming Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP) combines both business property insurance and business liability insurance into a single policy for your small business. A Business Owner’s Policy helps can help protect your business from the costs of damages from things like fire, burglary, or another covered disaster in Wyoming. It also helps cover the costs related to claims involving bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury that may come up from your everyday business operations.
Wyoming businesses can tailor a Business Owner’s Policy to meet their unique business needs by adding additional coverages, like Errors and Omissions insurance, data breach insurance, and more.
Consider a BOP if:
  • Your business has physical and/or digital property that can be damaged or stolen, office furniture, or customer information.
  • Your Wyoming business has the possibility of being sued. For example: By a customer who was burned by an object in your store or shop.
  • Your business has a physical location, including a rented or owned home or office, store, or another workplace.

Wyoming Commercial Auto Insurance

Seguro comercial para automóviles helps your Wyoming business cover the financial costs resulting from an automobile accident if you or an employee is found to be at fault for the crash. The Hartford’s Commercial Auto Insurance helps pay for medical expenses and damage to property, even if the collision results in a fatality.
Commercial Auto Insurance can help protect your Wyoming business if:
  • An employee is driving a company-owned truck and hits someone crossing the street, and that pedestrian requires medical treatment costing a substantial amount.
  • An employee drives off the road, avoiding a box in the road, but runs over a residential mailbox and must pay to repair it.
  • You are driving to work and accidentally slam into another car and that car is totaled.

Wyoming Commercial Property Insurance

Wyoming Seguro de propiedades comerciales helps protect the building your business owns or leases, as well as your business’s property, such as tools, office equipment, furniture, and store inventory. Commercial Property Insurance provides protection designed to help get your Wyoming business back on its feet after a fire, theft, or other covered disaster takes place. A Commercial Property Insurance Policy helps cover and protect property such as computers, accounts receivable, and lost income when a business has to stop operations due to a covered incident. Wyoming businesses can tailor this coverage to include additional protection, such as valuable papers and records coverage that can help pay to recreate or reproduce essential documents, as well as provide temporary storage facilities to avoid a loss.

Wyoming Minimum Business Insurance Requirements

Most employers in Wyoming are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees. Workers’ comp coverage, as outlined in Chapter 14 of Wyoming Title 27, must be purchased through the State fund. If coverage is not required pursuant to Title 27, it may be made available in the public market. For questions, contact Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, Division of Workers’ Compensation at 307-777-5476.

Additional Wyoming Business Insurance Links

Reciba una cotización  on Small Business Insurance for your business today.
1 https://www.sba.gov/sites/default/files/advocacy/2018-Small-Business-Profiles-WY.pdf
2 http://doi.wyo.gov/consumers/types-of-insurance/workers-compensation-insurance
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.