Workers’ Comp Insurance for Small Businesses

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What Is Small Business Workers’ Comp?

employee at a small businessWorkers’
compensation for small businesses, also known as workers’ comp or workman’s comp, gives your employees important benefits if they have a covered work-related injury or illness. It can help pay for the cost of:
  • Medical care if your employees have a work-related injury, like carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Lost wages when your employees need to take time off to recover from an injury or illness.
  • Disability benefits if your employees get fully or partially disabled working on the job.
  • Death benefits, such as funeral expenses, if an employee loses their life from a work-related injury or illness
Keep in mind that most state laws require small businesses with one or more employees to carry workers’ compensation insurance. To find the right coverage for your business, it’s a good idea to compare quotes from different insurance companies. This can help you find coverage at the right price. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today. We’ll help you save money by bundling your workers’ compensation coverage with other policies, like professional liability.

Examples of Workers’ Compensation Claims

When an accident happens on the job, your employees may need to file a workers compensation claim. Here are a few different types of workers’ comp claims:
  • “A stylist at our hair salon accidentally slipped and fell on spilled shampoo. She tried to catch herself but ended up spraining her wrist. She couldn’t work for almost a month until she was healed.”
  • “An employee at our accounting firm had been working long hours during the busy season. Unfortunately, he started having pain in his wrist and arms. When he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.”

Do Small Business Owners Need Workers’ Compensation?

 “Do I need workers’ compensation insurance?” It’s a question we hear often, and the answer depends on where your business is located. Laws vary from state to state, but in most places, workers’ comp is required when you hire your first employee – even if they’re just a part-time worker. However, sole proprietors without employees don’t need workers’ compensation coverage.
Workers’ comp is important. Not only is it required by law in most states, it also helps protect your business’ finances. Having workers’ comp covers medical expenses when your employees get a work-related injury or illness. Without workers’ comp coverage, business owners would have to pay for their injured employees’ medical bills out-of-pocket, which can be devastating to your company’s overall finances.

Do You Need Workers’ Comp for Your Small Business?

Remember, most states require you to provide workers’ compensation insurance if you have employees. In many states, that includes part-time workers, too. If you’re not sure if you need workers’ compensation insurance, ask yourself these questions:
  • Do I have one or more full-time employees?
  • Am I ready to hire my first employee?
  • Do I have one or more part-time employees?

Do Self-Employed People Need Workers’ Compensation?

In general, if you work for yourself and do not have employees, you don’t need workers’ compensation coverage. However, sole proprietors or independent contractors may benefit from coverage if a contract requires it or there are possible work-related health risks.. This is especially true because most health insurance policies do not include protection against work-related injuries and illnesses.

Find Small Business Workers’ Comp Requirements in Your State

Before carrying workers’ compensation coverage, you’ll want to check your state workers’ compensation insurance requirements. This will help you find out how much coverage your business needs.

Small Business Workers’ Compensation Insurance Costs

small business owner helping customerEvery business faces different risks. This means that workers’ compensation is calculated based on factors like your:
  • Number of employees
  • Lugar
  • Industria
  • Claims history
No matter how much workers’ comp costs, it’s a good investment. It’ll help protect your business’ finances while giving your employees important benefits for injuries they suffer on the job. In some areas, you may also have to pay expensive penalties and fees if you don’t have the coverage that is required.

Get a Quote for Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Small Businesses

hair stylist with clientWith over 200 years of experience, we’re an insurance company that’s helped countless small business owners get the coverage they need. You can count on us to help protect your business. To learn more, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.
Última actualización: 17 de mayo de 2024
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