The Basics of Business Liability Insurance

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Business Insurance for Small Business Owners

To ensure your small business is successful, you’ll want to get the right protection. Consider these types of seguro para pequeñas empresas coverages:
  • Business property insurance. This insurance helps protect the building your business is in. It also helps cover property inside your business such as equipment and inventory.
  • General liability insurance. General liability coverages include claims of bodily injury and property damage. General liability insurance coverage also helps protect you from personal or advertising injuries.
  • Business income insurance. This insurance helps cover income your small business has lost when forced to shut down temporarily. This temporary shutdown may have occurred due to covered property loss, such as damage from theft, fire or wind.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance helps provide your injured or ill workers with benefits. It only provides these benefits if they suffered a work-related injury or illness.  
  • Commercial auto insurance. This insurance helps protect your company vehicles they’re involved in an accident and you or an employee is at fault. Many of these coverages can be extended and customized through insurance riders to address various risks.
Basic Business Liability InsuranceWithout small business insurance coverage, small businesses pay out of pocket when disasters strike. This means that business insurance is essential for protecting your business from the high cost of claims. For instance, workers’ comp can help save you the cost of expensive medical bills. Especially if you employ workers who perform jobs known for getting the most work-related injuries or illnesses. These workers include:1
  • Laborers
  • Truck drivers
  • Janitors
  • Nursing assistants
  • Repair workers
  • Registered nurses
  • Stock clerks
  • Construction workers
  • Delivery service drivers
If you’re feeling like it’s unlikely that an incident will occur at your small business, you may want to reconsider. An analysis of The Hartford’s claims data found four out of 10 small businesses are likely to experience a property or general liability claim in the next decade.2
Without business insurance or commercial general liability insurance, you may have to pay out of pocket to cover claims. When you see how much claims can cost you, the general liability insurance costs you’ve paid will likely feel worth it.
Our representatives are happy to provide you with quotes for any of our coverages. Typically general liability insurance quotes are a good starting point for small businesses. You can reach our representatives at 855-829-1683. You can also get a quote today en línea.

Small Business Income Insurance

When disasters strike your small business, you may need to shut down operations temporarily. Here are a few ways business income insurance can help your business:
  • A break-in occurs or someone steals important equipment in your store. Your business income insurance can help replace your lost income.
  • You own a bakery and there’s a fire in your kitchen. In order to repair damages, you need to shut down for three weeks.
  • You own a computer repair shop and it gets robbed. As a result, you’re forced to shut down temporarily while you order new equipment. Your business income insurance can help replace your lost income during this time.
In any of these instances, business income insurance can help replace your lost income while your business recovers.
Business income insurance can help cover important expenses up to coverage limits such as:
  • Your employees’ wages
  • Your taxes
  • Your rent or lease
  • Your loan payments

How Small Business Insurance Provides Legitimacy

Seguro para ingresos comercialesHaving the right business insurance coverages does more than just protect your business. It also tells your customers that you’re a legitimate business they can trust.
In many instances, clients and customers will ask about your insurance coverage. This means you’ll have to show them proof of insurance. If you don’t have coverage, you’ll have to explain that you don’t have it. Not having the right business insurance coverage can lead to customers walking away from deals. As a result, they may go to your competitors instead.
For example, say you own a landscaping business. Your customers may want to ensure that you have general liability insurance to help cover their property if it gets damaged. Clients and customers want to know that you have coverage in case anything goes wrong.
In many instances, clients may want you to have professional liability insurance. This lets your client’s know that you can back up the services you provide financially.
For instance, say you’re a financial advisor. After providing financial advice to a client, they suffer a major financial loss. Professional liability insurance can help cover your error in judgment when they make a claim against you.

Commonly Bundled Coverages With Small Business Insurance

Finding the right coverage for your small business doesn’t have to be difficult. With The Hartford, you can bundle coverages to save. Our Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) combines three essential coverages including:
  • Business property insurance. For example, say you own a business that is in an attached building. When fire strikes your neighboring store, it also damages your business significantly. Business property insurance can help cover the costs associated with rebuilding.
  • General liability insurance. For example, say your employee is installing furniture in a customer’s house. As they’re working, they accidentally scratch the wood floors in the home. This type of liability insurance for small businesses covers the costs associated with liability claims filed against you.
  • Business income insurance. For example, say someone breaks into your business and steals all your computers. As a result you have to shut down your operation until new ones arrive. Your business income insurance can help cover your lost income while you are shut down temporarily.
From there, you can add on additional coverages to extend your protection. Additional coverages include:
  • Workers’ compensation insurance. For example, say your employees are restocking shelves when they suffer multiple bodily injuries. One employee slips and breaks his leg while another injures their back. Your workers’ compensation insurance can help cover their medical expenses.
  • Commercial auto insurance. For example, say your employee is on their way to deliver your product to a customer when they get into a car accident. Commercial auto insurance can help cover any costs associated with the accident. If your employee is using a vehicle you are renting or the employee is using their own vehicle, consider hired and non-owned auto coverage.

Get a Small Business Insurance Quote From The Hartford

Insurance for Small BusinessThere are a lot of insurance companies out there, so why should you choose The Hartford? We’re backed by over 200 years of experience. We know every business is unique. That’s why our insurance agents and representatives are dedicated to matching your business with the right coverage. With us, you can be rest assured that you’ll gain the protection your small business needs to succeed.
To learn more, contact a representative at 855-829-1683. También puede get a quote today online – it’s fast and easy.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.