Ingeniería de riesgo

loss control

We Understand Why Things Go Wrong

The Hartford's risk engineering team provides loss control services designed to help businesses create the safest work environment possible for their employees.
loss control
A safe work environment often leads to a more profitable business and our team helps evaluate businesses’ risk exposures, prepares them to handle a loss event, and trains their workforce in safety best practices.
Introducing the Risk Engineering Laboratory

The Hartford Risk Engineering Laboratory

Our state-of-the-art industrial hygiene laboratory offers customized consulting and analytical services to help businesses understand the health risks their employees may face.
What Are Injury Prevention Services (IPS)?

Injury Prevention Services

The Hartford offers a customized suite of injury prevention solutions to help businesses keep their employees safe and healthy on the job.

Customized Safety and Risk Management Services

The Hartford recognizes that every business is different. That’s why we work closely with each one to tailor an effective, realistic, and attainable loss control service plan to meet their unique risk profile.
We take an in-depth look at each business’s equipment, environment, and employees to help pinpoint the root causes of accidents and other losses. We formulate preventative strategies and partner with the business to develop a step-by-step risk management service plan tailor-made to address their specific work conditions and capabilities.
As part of our comprehensive loss control offering, our Risk Management team provides businesses with access to a broad array of safety and risk management services that include:
  • Workplace safety evaluations
  • Training to prepare for accident investigations
  • Safety leadership advice
  • Life safety programs
  • Machine safeguarding information
  • Ergonomic tips
  • Driver safety programs
  • Business continuity planning advice
We also focus on helping businesses minimize the severity and cost of loss events by educating them in advance on how to safely and effectively manage a loss should one occur.

Advantages of Risk Engineering Services From The Hartford

Some of the many valuable benefits of working with our skilled Risk Management team include:
  • More than 150 highly educated and experienced Risk Engineering field consultants located across the nation
  • Technical specialists who help businesses operate safely and efficiently
  • Industrial hygienists who evaluate workplace health risks
  • Specialists who provide expertise in areas such as ergonomics, fire protection, industrial hygiene, occupational and construction safety
  • Dedicated account managers who manage large accounts
  • Onsite and virtual risk management services
  • Ergonomic risk mitigation services including TrueMotion, powered by TuMeke, which analyzes videos to proactively measure risk associated with a task

One Resource for All the Ways to Help Manage Risk

Our consultants understand the importance of an employer’s bottom line and provide practical solutions to help eliminate or reduce risk, while improving overall operations and productivity. We have a wide variety of innovative solutions built to meet ever-changing employer needs.
Success Story – Carl Carano Interview

Success Stories - An Introduction

Carl Carano, The Hartford’s Head of Risk Engineering, discusses how The Hartford brings a different lens to Risk Engineering with their consultative approach and a focus on ROI. 
See Our Success Stories

Commitment to Lasting Relationships

Our consultants are committed to partnering with businesses for the long term to drive continuous operational improvements and make safety a natural part of doing business. By making workplace safety a top priority, we can help businesses protect their employees and better control losses and the costs associated with them.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.