How To Save Money on Business Insurance

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6 Ways To Save Money on Business Insurance

save money on business insuranceSu seguro para pequeñas empresas policies help protect your company from different risks and liabilities. Without them, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for repairs, replacement fees or claims filed against you. If you’re wondering how to save money on business insurance, we can help.
There are a few business insurance myths on how to save money, but we are here to tell you the truth. There are six things you can do to try to keep small business insurance costs down:

1. Know What Insurance Coverages You Need

Not all businesses are the same. That’s why you should know the types of business insurance you need so you don’t pay for extra protection. A sole proprietorship’s insurance coverage may be different than an LLC. If something happens, having the right insurance coverage can help you save money in the long run.
Some common insurance coverages that small business owners get include:

2. Raise Your Deductible

The deductible is the amount you’ll pay out of pocket before your insurance company will cover a claim. Increasing your deductible may help lower your total insurance costs.

3. Bundle To Save on Insurance

Bundling can help small business owners save on multiple insurance policies. For example, a BOP includes general liability insurance, commercial property insurance and business income coverages. You could save money on business insurance with a BOP instead of three standalone policies.

4. Maintain a Good Credit History

A good credit score and history can help lower your business’ insurance costs. That’s because a higher score tells the insurance company that you’re responsible. To maintain a good credit history, keep your personal finances in check and pay off your credit cards regularly. If you don’t know your credit scores, you can get a credit report to check them.

5. Drive Safely

In many cases, safe drivers with clean driving records can get lower insurance premiums. You may also be able to save money on car insurance premiums by taking a defensive driving course.

6. Evaluate Your Business

The amount of coverage your small business needs may change over time. Some states also have requirements for business insurance by industry. If your business grew, you may need more coverage or different types of small business insurance. It’s a good idea to review your insurance coverage each year and make sure you’re complying with your state business insurance requirements. Requesting an insurance loss run report may help to better evaluate your business.

Save on Insurance With The Hartford

save money on small business insuranceYou’ll want to work with insurance carriers you can trust. Customers and insurance agents have counted on us for over 200 years to help them find the right coverage and eligible discounts.
We can help you save money on business insurance by:
  • Reviewing all of your insurance options
  • Helping you understand your business needs
  • Getting your business only the coverage it needs
To find out which types of insurance coverages are best for you, get a small business insurance quote  hoy mismo.
Última actualización: 3 de mayo de 2024
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