Workers’ Comp in Louisiana

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Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Law

Louisiana workers' compensation lawsIn Louisiana, almost all employers need workers’ compensation insurance for their business. This coverage gives benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness and helps pay for:
  • Medical bills
  • Missed wages
  • Ongoing care

What Are the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Requirements?

Louisiana workers’ compensation laws require most employers to have this coverage. This is true even if you have just one employee.This law also applies to workers that are:
  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • Minors
  • Seasonal employees
Keep in mind that sole proprietors may not need this coverage if they don’t have employees. Corporate officers can also typically file for an exemption for this insurance if they own a certain percentage of a business.
The list of workers’ comp exemptions includes:2
  • Employees of a private residential homeowner
  • Musicians and performers who provide services outlined on a performance contract
  • Real estate brokers or salesmen licensed to do business in the state of Louisiana
  • Employees of a private unincorporated farm
  • Any land man performing exploration, development, production or mineral transportation services
  • Employees covered by the Federal Employer’s Liability Act, Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act and Jones Act
  • Members of airplane crews involved in dusting or spraying operations
  • Uncompensated officers and members of a board of directors for nonprofit organizations
It’s also important to note that employer workers’ compensation requirements vary from one business to another. However, if you have any workers, you’ll likely need a policy.
You’ll also want to classify your employees based on their type of work to make sure they have the right coverage. In fact, misclassifying your employees is often considered fraud.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Louisiana?

Workers’ compensation insurance helps cover employees who have work-related injuries or illnesses by paying for their medical treatment. It can also help cover an injured employee’s missed wages if they need time off work to recover.
We offer workers’ compensation benefits across the state of Louisiana. Whether you’re in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Shreveport or Sulpher we’ll have your business covered.

What Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Benefits Are Given?

Louisiana workers' compensation benefitsWorkers’ comp coverage for Louisiana businesses helps pay for: 
Accidents or injuries that require medical care and happened on the job.
Lost wages, also known as indemnity benefits, when an employee is unable to earn money and needs time off to recover before they can return to work.
Disability benefits when an employee has a severe injury and returning to work isn’t an option. For example, an employee with a temporary total disability can receive an average weekly wage.3 Workers’ compensation disability benefits also apply to any permanent total disability your employee suffers on the job.
Ongoing care when an injury or illness needs extra treatment, like physical therapy or vocational rehabilitation.
Funeral costs in the unfortunate event that your employee dies on the job. These death benefits apply to funeral expenses and other costs.
Illnesses that result from harmful chemicals or other materials.
Repetitive stress injuries that occur over time. These repetitive stress injuries can take months or years to develop and can leave an employee disabled.

How to Get Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Wondering how to get workers’ compensation? There are a few ways that a business in Louisiana can get this insurance, including:
  • Being a member of an approved Group Self-Insurance Fund.4
  • Applying to the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Workers’ Compensation to become an approved self-insured employer.5
  • Getting a policy through a private workers’ compensation insurer. One option is the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation, which is a non-profit that supplies workers’ comp products throughout the state.6
If you would like a list of approved companies, like us, visit the Louisiana Workforce Commission’s website or ask your insurance company directly.
You can also learn more by getting free online workers’ compensation insurance quotes from us today.

How to File Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Claims

Louisiana workers' compensationTo file a claim for workers’ compensation in Louisiana, visit our workers' comp claims page today. Injured workers should notify their employer of their injury within 30 days, but it’s always better to file a claim closer to the time of the injury.
This can be especially important if you’ve filed a workers’ compensation claim for medical treatment. If they aren’t filed within one to three years of the accident date, your injured employee may not receive benefits.7
If there’s a dispute about the medical benefits an employee receives, you can submit a Disputed Claim Form for Medical Treatment Appeal to the Office of Workers Compensation Administration Medical Director.8 Your employees will likely need to file a disputed claim for compensation form. Depending on the case, disputed claims can take six months or more to resolve.9
To learn more, obtener una cotización online for free today. Our customers have been counting on us for over 200 years to get the coverage they need.
Última actualización: 10 de mayo de 2024
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1,3 Louisiana Workforce Commission: The Department of Labor, “Frequently Asked Questions from Employees and Employers about Rights and Responsibilities in Workers’ Compensation”
2 Louisiana Workforce Commission: The Department of Labor, “Exemptions from Coverage”
4,5 Louisiana Workforce Commission: The Department of Labor, “Frequently Asked Questions from Employers about Coverage”
6 Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Corporation (LWCC), “History & Overview”
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