Risk Engineering Success Stories

Success Story – Carl Carano Interview

Showing the True Value Behind a Consultative Approach

We put ourselves in our customers’ shoes to create safer workplaces and bring measurable economic impact. Take a look at a few of our success stories.
Success Story – Carl Carano Interview

Success Story Videos

Success Story - TrueMotion Ergonomics

Success Story - TrueMotion Ergonomics

TrueMotion, powered by TuMeke, is a new ergonomics risk service that analyzes videos from your worksite to make assessing employee safety fast and easy.
Success Story - Industrial Hygiene

Success Story - Industrial Hygiene

See how our Risk Engineering team helped a company solve a major health safety issue, keeping their employees, and their families, safe from invisible exposures.
Risk Engineering Success Story - Machine Guarding

Success Story - Machine Guarding

See how our Risk Engineering consultant helped a company mitigate injuries while improving operations.
Risk Engineering Success Story - Property

Success Story - Property

See how our Risk Engineering team helped a company avoid a potential total property loss due to fire.
Risk Engineering Success Story - Ergonomics

Success Story - Ergonomics

By seeing the whole picture, our consultants were able to help a customer minimize risk and improve their overall operations.

Read Industry Success Stories

How a Manufacturer’s Ergonomic Investment Leads to a Nearly $100,000 Return
An innovative solution to reduce worker injury risks also drives operation efficiencies and gains.
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.