IoT Innovation Lab

Introducing the IoT Innovation Lab

Introducing the IoT Innovation Lab

The Hartford’s IoT Innovation Lab uses connected devices to help predict, prevent, detect and mitigate losses. See how the lab uses data to develop unique insights for customers.
Introducing the IoT Innovation Lab

What Is IoT?

IoT stands for “internet of things.” It refers to connected devices that collect, share and act on information. Connected, or “smart,” devices are everywhere:
  • Virtual assistants, like Siri or Alexa
  • Termostatos
  • Water sensors
  • Electrodomésticos
  • Security cameras
  • Watches
These devices collect various types of information that help users make informed decisions and take action.
For example, a water sensor can detect the presence of a leak. Once it does, it sends an alert or notification to the property owner. This allows them to shut the water off and avoid a potential catastrophic loss.

Reducing Water Damage Claims With Water Sensors

Water damage is one of the most common claims and types of losses that property owners face. In fact, there are more losses from water damage than fires.
water damage insurance claim tips
With the use of IoT devices, like water sensors, building owners can immediately respond to the presence of water. The access to this valuable data and information can turn a potential catastrophic loss into a smaller amount of damage.
The best part? It takes two steps to start getting the benefits of water sensors.

Simple Installation
how to prevent water damage
Puck-like wireless sensors are placed around the property to detect the presence of water, high humidity or freezing temperatures (no plumbing required).
24/7 Real-Time Alerting
insurance claim tips for water damage
Download the mobile app to receive important device information and critical alerts.
What's Needed?
Smart Base – Establishes a cellular connection and acts as the "brains of the system." Plugs directly into the wall and connects wirelessly to sensors around the property.
Sensors – Monitors for leak detection, humidity and temperature.
Mobile phone or tablet app – Allows for monitoring the property and viewing data remotely.
is water damage covered by insurance


What Is The Hartford’s IoT Innovation Lab?

Our IoT Innovation Lab is focused on exploring how connected devices can either mitigate insurance claims or provide actionable insights on risks. Our goal is to utilize IoT technology to:
  • Keep workers and customers safe
  • Bring operational efficiency
  • Reduce loss expenses
We scan the market for emerging technologies, pilot the technologies and identify opportunities to bring successful pilot programs to scale. And we partner across organizations throughout The Hartford to gain insight into issues customers are dealing with.
IoT Innovation Lab Areas of Focus:
  • Agua
  • Imagery
  • Wearables
  • Telematics
  • Occupancy
  • Clima
  • Equipment tracking
  • Predictive maintenance

Check Out Our New Workers’ Comp Safety Program 

Incorporating worker safety technology into management practices and operating routines can help customers earn discounts on their worker’s compensation premium. 
IoT Imagery

IoT Imagery

Imagery solutions combine captured videos and images with artificial intelligence and computer/machine learning. It allows us to detect various items and risks, such as:
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Slip, trip and fall hazards
  • Ergonomics
  • Dangerous behaviors
  • Powered vehicle safety
IoT Wearables

IoT Wearables

Wearables are connected devices worn on the body to collect and provide data to reduce the risk of injury and improve worker safety. The information can be used for coaching, alerting or direct intervention to prevent incidents. Wearables can detect:
  • Ergonomics
  • Movements and forceful motions
  • Forklift and vehicle driving
  • Proximity monitoring
  • Slips and falls
  • Environmental elements, like temperature, CO2, humidity and noise
IoT Telematics

IoT Telematics

Telematics is a method of monitoring cars, trucks, equipment and other assets through the use of:
  • GPS
  • Accelerometer monitoring
  • Video and imagery monitoring
  • On-board diagnostics
Data is collected and organized and provided to fleet owners and stakeholders through dashboards, reports, scores or back-end APIs. 
Partner With The Hartford’s IoT Innovation Lab

Partner With The Hartford’s IoT Innovation Lab

Whether you’re a customer, broker partner or IoT technology vendor, we’d love to work together.
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