Business Insurance Dallas, TX

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Why Business Owners Need Commercial & Business Insurance in Dallas

small business insurance Dallas, TXWhether you are a lawyer, pet groomer, IT technician or something else, owning and operating a business can put you at significant risk. As a business owner, there are many reasons it’s essential to carry a seguro de negocio policy. A commercial insurance policy can safeguard your business and give you peace of mind. It can also provide protection for your employees. Dallas seguro para pequeñas empresas with The Hartford is entirely customizable to your unique needs.
Learn about the comprehensive and customizable coverages offered to businesses like yours in Dallas, TX.

Dallas Business Owner’s Policy

Most small businesses in Dallas, TX have a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP). Why? Because it helps protect businesses in a range of industries and professions. It's similar to how a health insurance policy works. Health insurance helps protect your financial assets if you become ill. A BOP can help protect your physical and financial assets from issues that may arise when running your business.
A BOP combines three coverages: general liability, commercial property and business income. You can customize your policy by adding optional coverages to meet the needs of your Dallas business.

Seguro general contra terceros

Every business is open to some level of liability. General liability insurance in Dallas helps protect your business from certain lawsuits alleging bodily injury or property damage that occur as a result of your business.

Seguro de propiedades comerciales

Commercial property insurance helps protect the physical location that your business owns or leases. It also helps protect the equipment you use to conduct your business, such as tools and inventory. This coverage applies whether you own or rent the equipment and property. Texas commercial property policies are not standardized from one insurance company to the next.1 That’s why it’s important to choose a reputable insurance carrier, like The Hartford, to protect your small business.

Seguro para ingresos comerciales

If you’re unable to conduct business due to a covered loss, like a theft or a fire, business income insurance can help replace lost income.
For example, say your office catches fire and you’re forced to temporarily close your business. Business income insurance can help replace the income you would have earned if the incident did not occur.
These coverages are in our Business Owner’s Policy. You can also buy general liability or commercial property coverage as a standalone policy. If you buy a commercial property insurance policy, it includes business income coverage.

Additional Coverages for Small Business Insurance in Dallas, TX

Different states require businesses to carry different levels of coverage. Businesses in Dallas, TX can enhance their insurance protection by adding more coverage options to their BOP.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Dallas

In the state of Texas, workers’ compensation insurance is not required for the majority of private employers.2 However, many employers still elect to carry workers’ comp as a way to protect their employees and business. Adding this coverage to a Business Owner’s Policy can help protect employees who get sick or hurt because of their job. It can also help cover their costs for medical care, wages from lost work time and more.
For example, let’s say one of your employees hurts her back while lifting a heavy box. She goes to the hospital for treatment, and the doctor tells her she has to take time off from work to recover. Workers’ comp can help cover her medical bills. It can also help recover some of her lost income.

Seguro de responsabilidad profesional

Professional liability insurance helps cover the costs and legal fees your business may incur if found negligent in the services you provide. For example, one of your employees makes a clerical error. As a result of this mistake, your client loses money and sues your business. Liability insurance can help cover the costs and fees to resolve the lawsuit. This coverage is also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Commercial Auto Insurance in Dallas, TX

business insurance DallasIf you or your employees drive owned vehicles as part of your business operations, a commercial auto insurance policy can help protect your business while on the road. Dallas commercial auto insurance can help pay for damaged property and medical expenses if you or your employee are in an auto accident while on the job.
Más información sobre Seguro comercial para automóviles.

Learn About Additional Coverages Available in Dallas, TX

These are only a few of the most common coverages purchased by business owners in Dallas, TX. Our small business insurance team has helped small business owners in Dallas, TX for more than 30 years. We can discuss the coverage needed to address your business’s unique needs. This includes:
Contact an independent insurance agentReciba una cotización for business insurance today to find out how we can help propel you, your employees and your small business forward.

Business Insurance in Other Texas Cities

We help protect business owners in Dallas and other Texas cities with our coverages, like:
The Hartford no será responsable de ningún daño relacionado con el uso de la información proporcionada en esta página. Consulte con su agente/corredor de seguros o compañía de seguros para determinar las necesidades específicas de cobertura, ya que el contenido publicado aquí se ofrece con fines informativos solamente.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.