Business Insurance for Printers and Publishers

Business insurance for printers

Customized Business Insurance for Printers and Publishers

Running a printing and publishing business means you face unique risks. That’s why we offer business insurance for printers and publishers that you can customize to fit your needs.
Business insurance for printers

Why Business Insurance for Publishers and Printers Is Essential

Whether you or your employees work with high-tech equipment or corrosive chemicals, your printing and publishing business faces unique challenges. Seguro para negocios, like publishers and printers liability insurance, can help protect your small business from risks that can come up during normal operations, like:
  • Employee injuries
  • Mistakes in the printing services provided to customers
  • Daños a la propiedad
Printers liability insurance

Who Needs Publishers and Printers Liability Insurance?

  • Commercial printing
  • Book publishers
  • Linotyping
  • Lithographic
  • Bookbinding
  • Platemaking
  • Typesetting

Basic Publishers and Printers Insurance

Many small business owners start with a Póliza para propietarios de empresas (BOP) for basic coverage. It combines three types of coverage that are essential to small businesses:
While a BOP is a good starting point for your insurance needs, we know publishers and printers face unique risks. So, we make it easy for you to get the types of business insurance coverage you need.
Insurance publishers

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We know how important your time is. Get your proof of insurance instantly online.

Covering Your Printers and Publishers Operations

A claim or lawsuit can be expensive for your printer and publisher business to handle. It can even have the potential to temporarily shut down your company. With printers and publishers insurance, you can make sure your business is prepared for the unexpected.
Small businesses paid $182 billion in legal costs in 2018.1
Publishers errors and omissions insurance

Error in Services

“A client hired us to print copies of a book, but for some reason, one of our machines didn’t print all of the covers correctly. We had to reprint the books, which delayed the project and the client ended up suing.”
Printers and publishers errors and omissions insurance can help protect your business with claims that there was a mistake in the professional services provided. It can help pay your legal costs and settlements or judgments. This coverage is also known as professional liability insurance.
Printers errors and omissions insurance

Pérdida de datos

“Our payment system got hacked and we found out some of our customers’ contact information was stolen.”
Data breach insurance can help cover the costs to respond to a breach if personally identifiable information gets lost or stolen. Some insurers call this coverage cyber liability insurance.

Taking Care of Your Team of Printers and Publishers

Damage to your printing and publishing property can impact your business’ productivity. With business insurance coverage, you can repair or replace damaged or destroyed property if the unexpected happens.
A fire department responded to a fire somewhere in the U.S. every 23 seconds in 2020.3
Publishers indemnity insurance

Employee Injury

“One of my workers was using some machinery to bind books. His hand slipped and he ended up cutting himself pretty deeply.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from a work-related injury or illness. Most states require this coverage if you have employees.
Printing business insurance

Car Accident

“My delivery person got into a car accident and ended up totaling the company truck.”
Commercial auto insurance helps protect you and your employees on the road when driving business-owned vehicles for work.

Protecting Your Publishing and Printing Property

Your team is an essential part to the success of your printing and publishing business. With printers and publishers insurance, you can get the right coverage to protect them from injuries and other risks.
Overexertion, contact with objects or equipment and slips and falls account for more than 84% of nonfatal workplace injuries.2
Publishers liability insurance

Fire Damage

“A fire broke out in our printing plant and damaged a lot of equipment. We had to replace a lot of machinery before reopening.”
Commercial property insurance can help protect the owned or rented building and equipment you use to operate.
Libel insurance for publishers

Stolen Computers

“Our computers were stolen after someone broke into our publishing business. Until we replaced the computers, we had to shut down because we couldn’t communicate with customers or run the software we needed to complete jobs.”
Electronic Data and Interruption of Computer Operations coverages can help pay to replace lost data or lost business income due to computer damage.

Business Insurance for Printers and Publishers That You Can Trust

We know how hard you’ve worked to run your printing and publishing business. We also understand the unique risks the printing and publishing industry faces. With printers and publishers business insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re prepared for the unexpected. Whether you have questions about coverage or need help with a claim, we’ve got your back.
Find out more about other business service professions we insure:
Printers business insurance

Printers and Publishers Insurance Made for You 

Get the printers and publishers insurance you need today.
For Larger Firms
Larger printing & publishing firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
1 U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, “New Study: Lawsuit System Costs Small Businesses $182 Billion”
2 National Safety Council, “Top Work-Related Injury Causes”
3 National Fire Protection Association, “Fire Loss in the United States During 2020”
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.