Massage Insurance

a massage therapist with insurance coverage standing over a massage table

Massage Insurance That Helps Take the Pressure Off You

Clients want a calm and comfortable experience when they go to the spa. You strive to give them the peace they’re looking for, but you deserve it as you work, too. Our massage therapy insurance is made with you mind, helping you stress less while you serve your customers.
a massage therapist with insurance coverage standing over a massage table

Why Do I Need Massage Therapy Insurance?

Performing massage therapy and therapeutic treatments means your small business faces unique risks. From employee injuries to damaged business property, your business needs the right type of massage insurance. Our specialists can work with you to make sure you get the coverage you need. Whether it’s massage therapy liability insurance or another type of business insurance, we’ve got your back.
A woman getting a facial massage

What Types of Businesses Need Massage Therapy Insurance?

Massage therapists need insurance because working with clients means they face risks that put their business assets at stake. These risks and liability claims are more common than you may think. The types of businesses that may need massage insurance include:

What Does Insurance for Massage Therapists Cover?

Basic Massage Therapy Insurance Coverage

Many therapeutic, health and massage professionals invest in a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). Why? Because it combines three types of essential coverage that many small business owners need:
General liability insurance, also known as massage therapist liability insurance, to help protect your massage business from claims that it caused property damage or bodily or personal injuries such as slips and falls. General liability insurance can help cover injuries that caused by different types of massage, such as:
  • Sueco
  • Deep Tissue
  • Shiatsu
  • Chair
  • Hot Stone
Commercial property insurance to help protect the owned or rented building, tools and equipment used to operate your massage business. This can include your:
  • Massage table
  • Massage chair
  • Oils
  • Inventario
  • Pillows and linens
  • Towels
  • Hot stone
Business income insurance to help recover lost income if you can’t operate because of covered property damage.

How Much Does Massage Therapist Insurance Cost?

Massage therapist insurance costs can vary because every business is unique. On average, our customers pay about $1,019 annually, or $85 a month, for a Business Owner’s Policy with The Hartford.** These costs may also vary if you need to add additional insureds to your policy. Keep in mind that an insurance company uses different factors to determine a business’ cost, including your:
  • Claims history
  • Number of employees
  • Revenue
  • Lugar
The best way to find out how much you’ll pay for massage therapist insurance is to obtener una cotización.

Taking Care of Your Massage Therapist Team

Your employees are a key piece to your massage business. If they get hurt or sick from their work and can’t do their job, it can have a significant impact on your business. Massage liability insurance can help protect your team and get them back to work if they get a work-related injury or illness.
There were 1,400 nonfatal injuries or illnesses in the personal care services in 2022.1
an injured customer after a massage

Carpal Tunnel

“One of our massage therapists had to miss a month of work to recover from carpal tunnel in his wrists. His doctor determined it was because of his job.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives benefits to your employees if they get sick or injured from their job. This coverage can help pay for their medical expenses and replace lost wages from missing work.
a doctor wrapping the injured hand of a patient

Customer Injury

“I gave one of my clients a massage and she ended up having a skin reaction to the lotion. She had to go to the hospital for treatment and sued our business for her medical costs.”
General liability insurance helps protect your business from claims that it caused injury or property damage to someone else. It can help pay for a customer’s medical bills and treatment if they get hurt.

Covering Your Massage Business’ Property

Having the right type of massage therapy insurance is important because it will help cover the tools, equipment and space you rely on to operate your massage therapy business. Our insurance protects your property from damages that could devastate your business. And the right coverage can also help with smaller issues, such as replacing items you need to operate, like massage tables or hot stones, if they’re damaged or stolen in a covered loss.
75% of retailers saw an increase in organized retail crime in 2020.2
property damage at a massage business

Stolen Equipment

“I opened my spa one morning and noticed our massage chairs and tables were stolen. We were also missing some inventory that we use daily.”
Commercial property insurance can help pay to repair or replace damaged or stolen business property.
two business partners on their computers stressed about not having massage insurance

Lost Customer Data

“One of my employees opened an email and clicked on a link that ended up being a virus. We lost our company records and some other important business files.”
Electronic Data and Interruption of Computer Operations can help pay to recover lost or damaged files.

Covering Your Massage Business’ Operations

You want to give your clients the best at your massage therapy business. And being able to give the best means having insurance coverage that can keep you protected when you need it most. Our massage insurance protects small businesses like yours with specialized coverage you need for the professional services you offer as a massage therapist.
An average of 32.3% of new small businesses failed and didn’t make it two years after opening.3
the remains of a fire at a massage business

Vendor Warehouse Fire

“Our supply vendor had a fire in their warehouse and couldn’t deliver our usual shipment on time, which meant we couldn’t see as many clients.”
Business Income from Dependent Properties insurance helps replace your business’ lost income if you can’t operate because of an issue with a third party.
a man stressed about a customer injury at his massage business

Pérdida de datos

“Our payment system got hacked and we lost some of our customers’ banking, credit card and contact information.”
Data breach insurance helps your business respond to a data breach if it loses personally identifiable information. Some insurers call this cyber liability insurance.

Massage Therapist Insurance FAQs

Massage therapists insurance is a type of business insurance customized to fit the needs of a massage therapy business. Small business insurance, also known as commercial insurance, is designed to help protect your company against costly claims that could come up unexpectedly, like bodily injury or property damage. Business insurance can help protect your massage business if:
  • A customer slips and falls at your business property
  • An employee accidentally damages customer’s personal property
  • Your employee falls and gets hurt while at work
The best way to get massage therapy insurance is to get a quote from The Hartford today. You’ll just need to answer some questions about your business and in a few minutes, you’ll have a personalized quote. If you’re unsure about what business insurance coverages you’ll need, our specialists are here to help.
You can also get business insurance through an insurance agent or broker. Both agents and insurance companies can help you find the business insurance coverage you’re looking for.
El documento certificate of insurance (COI) is a document you’ll receive from your insurer that shows your proof of insurance. If you’re a policyholder with The Hartford, receiving your COI is easy. You can request one through your online account and in most cases, you’ll receive it instantly. You can also contact your insurance agent or call 866-467-8730 and speak with one of our specialists if you need help.
a woman getting a massage

Massage Insurance That Has Your Back

Get the protection you need to help keep your massage insurance running successfully.
Última actualización: 7 de marzo de 2024
** Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford’s Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/13/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
1 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities: Numbers of Nonfatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses by Industry and Case Types, 2022”
2 National Retail Federation, “Organized Retail Crime Remains a Growing Threat”
3 Small Business Administration, “Frequently Asked Questions: March 2023”
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.