Nail Salon and Nail Technician Insurance

nail salon insurance

Nail Salon Insurance That Supports You

From filing to polishing to waxing, you do it all while giving your clients the best experience possible. Having the right nail salon insurance will help you give your customers what they need, while protecting you as you work.
nail salon insurance

What Insurance Does a Nail Tech Need?

We work with nail techs to get them customized coverage that fits their unique needs. Our nail technician insurance was made to fit nail salon businesses, keeping you covered from the risks you face on the job. When choosing which types of insurance to have, most start with seguro de negocio coverage. This can help give you basic protection you’ll need as you work.
  • General liability insurance helps protect your business from claims of bodily injuries, property damage and reputational harm.
  • Professional liability insurance, which can help cover claims of errors or omissions in your professional services.
To learn more about these coverages, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.
nail salon insurance cost

How Much Is Nail Salon Insurance?

The price you’ll pay for nail salon insurance will depend on what you need to cover your salon and nail techs. On average, our general liability insurance costs $805 annually.** Insurance companies offer similar coverages, but not all of them take the time to get to know exactly what nail salons need. Our specialists will help you get what’s best for your business. Find out how much your insurance cost will be and get a quote today.
nail technician insurance

We Won’t Make You Wait

We know how important your time is. That’s why we offer proof of insurance instantly online.

Do You Have To Be Insured To Do Nails?

To protect your business as a nail salon owner, you need insurance coverage. We can help you choose which types of insurance you need, but at a minimum, you should have liability coverage. This insurance protects you from risks and accidents that you face daily. And depending on where you live, you’ll also most likely need workers compensation coverage, which most states require. Other beauty businesses that may also need coverage are:

Protecting Your Nail Salon's Operations

Running a nail salon can be stressful. From keeping up with chores to managing appointments to dealing with clients, there’s always a task to keep you busy. That’s why we created specialized insurance coverage, made to keep you protected so you can stay focused on your to-do list.
The average cost of a slip and fall accident is $30,000 to $40,000.1
nail salon data breach insurance

Pérdida de datos

“Most of my clients use their credit cards and keep their info stored in our system for easy payment. But when my laptop was hacked, all of their personal credit card numbers were exposed.”
Data breach insurance can help pay to notify impacted customers and hire a public relations firm.
nail salon general liability insurance

Customer Injury

“We were short staffed on a busy Saturday morning and hadn’t been able to sweep as often as we do. As a client stood to leave, she slipped on a pile of filing dust, falling and spraining her wrist.”
General liability insurance can help cover bodily injury claims, like common slip and fall accidents. This liability coverage can help pay for your customers’ medical treatment.

Taking Care of Your Nail Salon's Team

From nail technicians to manicurists to schedulers, it takes a whole team to keep your nail salon running. We know how important each employee is and how much you rely on them to serve your clients. That’s why having business insurance to help protect them on the job is so important.
An estimated 1.8 million workers sustained work-related injuries and were treated in emergency departments during 2020.2
nail salon workers' compensation insurance

Employee Injury

“One of my new nail techs was cleaning our drills at the end of his shift and didn’t realize one was battery operated. He ended up cutting his finger when it turned on and had to go to urgent care.”
Workers’ compensation insurance can help cover work-related injuries and illnesses or help pay for employees’ fitness injuries.
nail salon professional liability insurance

Client Lawsuit

“My lead manicurist did a full set for a bride. She told us about her acrylic allergy, so we used gel nail extensions instead. However, she still claimed she broke out in rashes on her hands.”
Professional liability insurance helps protect you and your company against lawsuits and claims that it made an error or mistake in the professional services given.

Protecting Your Nail Salon's Property

You rely on some expensive equipment to serve your clients every day. Making sure they’re covered with commercial property insurance ensures it all stays protected – from the tools you use to the space you work.
In 2019 alone, work-related crashes cost employers $39 billion.3
nail salon commercial property insurance

Stolen Supplies

“I ordered a brand-new line of nail polishes from an expensive luxury brand. The delivery came earlier than expected and was left in our hallway on a day we were closed. When I arrived the next morning, the boxes were opened and most of the product was gone.”
Commercial property insurance can help protect your owned or rented building, plus the tools and equipment you use to operate your business, covering losses from issues like fires, burglaries and theft.
nail salon commercial auto insurance

Car Accident

“A local company hired us for their admin’s appreciation day to do nails. As my team was headed there, they got in an accident and our company van had to be towed.”
Commercial auto insurance covers you and your employees on the road if you drive a business-owned vehicle for work.
nail salon insurance coverage

Nail Technician Insurance To Keep Your Salon Running Successfully

Whether you’re applying regular nail polish, gluing on acrylics or doing a dip powder, you and your nail technicians face risks every day. Stay protected with business insurance that has your back.
Last Updated: November 16, 2023
1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Costs of Older Adult Falls.”
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Traumatic Occupational Injuries.”
3 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS), “UPDATED! Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers — 2019.”
** Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.