Manufacturers Insurance

manufacturers insurance

Manufacturers Insurance Made for Your Business

The manufacturing industry faces unique risks. That’s why manufacturers insurance is important to have, helping protect your company when you need it most. We make it easy to customize your policy so you can get exactly what you’re looking for.
manufacturers insurance

Manufacturers Insurance for Small Business Owners

Every small business owner tries to run their company perfectly, but mistakes can happen. If they do, having the right type of business insurance is important. It can help your company respond to claims or lawsuits. Claims can come up during everyday business operations, that’s why it’s important to have manufacturers insurance that helps protect your business. 
manufacturing insurance cost

Who Needs a Manufacturer Insurance Policy?

  • Air conditioning equipment manufacturers
  • Appliances and accessories manufacturers
  • Bakery products manufacturers
  • Children’s clothing manufacturers
  • Craft breweries
  • Eyeglass lens manufacturers
  • Fruit drinks, soda, spring or carbonated water manufacturers
  • Metal goods manufacturers
  • Plastic goods manufacturers
  • Sign manufacturers
manufacturer insurance policy

We Won’t Make You Wait

We know how important your time is. Get your proof of insurance instantly online whenever you need it.

Covering Your Manufacturer Operations

Property damage, claims and lawsuits have the potential to significantly impact your manufacturer operations. Whether you need to fix or replace machinery after a covered loss or your business has to temporarily shut down after property damage, manufacturers insurance can help you reopen as quickly as possible.
Nearly half of unplanned downtime with electrical equipment and machinery is due to hardware failure and malfunction.1
insurance policies for manufacturing companies

Power Loss

“We had to shut down our manufacturing facility for a few days after a huge tree limb fell across one of the power lines and caused us to lose power.”
Business Income for Off Premises Utility Services coverage helps your business if you can’t operate because of an interruption in power, communications or water services.
manufacturer insurance coverage

Product Recall

“We had to issue a recall when we realized one of our products caused injuries when customers used it.”
Product recall insurance coverage can help pay your costs to recover the product from distributors, purchasers or users.

Protecting Your Manufacturing Property

We know how hard you work to run a successful manufacturing business. Your company property is essential to your business. Manufacturers insurance gives you peace of mind knowing your property has protection.
There are over 37,900 fires at industrial or manufacturing properties reported each year.2
manufacturing business insurance

Car Accident

“One of my employees was driving our delivery van to drop off some products to a customer. On the way there, he rear-ended another car.”
Commercial auto insurance helps protect you and your employees on the road while driving a business-owned vehicle for work. It can help cover property damage and bodily injury costs.
manufacturing e&o insurance

Fire Damage

“A fire broke out in our manufacturing warehouse and caused pretty bad damage to some of our machines. So much so that we had to replace most of them.”
Commercial property insurance helps protect the owned or rented equipment and tools you use to operate.

Protecting Your Manufacturing Team

Your workers have a key part in the success of your manufacturing small business. If they get a work-related injury or illness or can’t do their job, it can have an impact on your business. Manufacturers insurance can help you take care of your team.
The manufacturing industry accounted for 15% of all nonfatal injuries and illnesses in 2019.3
manufacturers e&o insurance

Employee Injuries

“My foreman got hurt while driving a forklift in our manufacturing facility. He had to miss work for two weeks until he fully recovered.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits if they get a work-related injury or illness. It can help cover their treatment costs and replace most of their lost wages if they can’t work.
liability insurance for food manufacturers

Employee Harassment

“We had to fire a worker after we found out they were harassing another employee. We have a zero-tolerance policy for that behavior, but the employee sued us for wrongful termination.”
Employment practices liability (EPL) insurance can help protect your business from certain claims, like wrongful termination.

Manufacturers Insurance That Has Your Back

When it comes to protecting your manufacturing small business, partnering with an experienced insurance company is important. We’re not like other insurance companies. We’re backed by more than 200 years of experience and understand the unique risks the manufacturing industry faces. Whether you have questions about manufacturing insurance costs or need help with a claim, we’ve got your back.
Discover related professions we insure:
business interruption insurance for manufacturers

Easy-To-Customize Manufacturers Insurance

Get the manufacturers insurance coverage you need today.

For Larger Firms

Larger manufacturing firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
1 Johnson Electric, “The True Cost of Unscheduled Downtime Due to Electrical Equipment Failure in Your Warehouse”
2 National Fire Protection Association, “Fires in Industrial and Manufacturing Properties: March 2018”
3 U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, “Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – 2019”
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.