Customizable Insurance for the Outpatient Healthcare Industry
We offer comprehensive coverage offerings that your agent or broker can customize to meet your healthcare facility’s specific needs.
Our broad coverage offerings include:
Property Choice® to help protect your healthcare facility’s buildings and medical equipment. We make it easy for you and your agent or broker to customize this policy with optional additional coverages such as:
- Biomedical Hazardous Waste Decontamination
- Emergency Evaluation Expense
- Crisis Event
- Embryo, Eggs, Cells and Tissue
- Patient’s and Patient Visitor’s Personal Property
- Research Animals
- Spoilage of Perishable Goods
Equipment Replacement coverage for medical diagnostic equipment that you rent, lease or own, such as:
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- CAT scan
- Medical radiography
- Ultrasound equipment
- Radiosurgery
- X-Ray equipment
This coverage helps make sure you can repair or replace your equipment following a loss.
Business income insurance coverage for nonprofit organizations, which we understand makes up a part of the healthcare industry.
General Liability Choice®, which includes broader coverage than the industry standard to help protect against claims of bodily injury and property damage. Our liability insurance for healthcare facilities includes:
- Coverage for bodily injury claims of mental anguish due to an injury, sickness or disease.
- Personal and advertising injury protection, which helps cover cyber liability and discrimination.
Workers’ compensation insurance to help your employees recover from a work-related injury or illness. Our return-to-work program can help your employees recover from an injury and get back to work faster.
Needle stick injury coverage to help pay for an employee and patient’s testing.
Commercial auto insurance to help protect you and your employees on the road if you drive facility-owned vehicles for business purposes. Our policy also includes patient transportation coverage for vehicles your business uses to shuttle clients and patients to and from a facility for scheduled procedures, tests and appointments.
- Employment practices liability (EPL)
- Directors, officers and entity liability (D&O)
- Fiduciary
- Kidnap & ransom
Site pollution liability provides environmental damage, property damage & bodily injury coverage for pollution incidents located on, under or migrating from an insured site (i.e. property owned, operated, leased or managed property by an insured seeking coverage).
Umbrella and excess liability, which provides worldwide coverage and limits up to $25 million.
Allied Health professional liability, also known as medical malpractice insurance or errors and omissions (E&O) coverage, is designed to defend non-physician healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities from alleged deviations.
Multinational Choice, which helps protect your healthcare facility from losses and claims in over 200 countries. This coverage can help your business even if you don’t have a location outside the U.S. or employees traveling abroad. Regular business insurance policies may not cover claims in foreign countries.