Workers’ Compensation PA

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Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation (PA) Insurance

workers' compensation PAWorkers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness. In Pennsylvania, the law requires most employers to carry this coverage.
This policy can help pay for:
  • Wage loss benefits
  • Medical care for work-related injuries or illnesses
  • Death benefits
It can also help you cover the cost of related legal fees if a worker’s family sues your business after an accident.

How Does Workers’ Compensation in PA Work?

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you can get workers’ comp insurance through different insurance carriers. This coverage can help protect your business and employees if they:
  • Slip and injure their back: Injuries like this can take months to heal.  Workers' comp can help cover your employee’s medical costs. It can also help replace some of their lost income.
  • Get into a car accident while driving for work: If your employee is driving a shipment from a warehouse to a store and collides with another vehicle, workers’ comp can help cover their medical bills.
  • Develop carpal tunnel syndrome from bad typing habits: Workers' comp can help pay the costs of ongoing care for repetitive stress injuries like this. If the employee has to miss work, it can also help cover their wage losses.

Workers’ Compensation PA Coverage

In addition to covering medical care for work-related injuries or illnesses, Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor and Industry states that workers’ comp coverage must help replace some of your employees’ income if they miss work to recover.2 To get the right workers’ compensation for your business in Pennsylvania, obtener una cotización from us today.

Who Needs Workers’ Compensation Coverage in PA?

Ensuring your Pennsylvania employees are safe from injury on the job is essential. In fact, almost every business in the U.S. that has employees needs workers’ compensation coverage.
However, in Pennsylvania, some employers are exempt from providing workers’ compensation insurance. These workers' comp exemptions include:3
  • People who already have coverage under other workers’ compensation acts, including railroad workers, longshoremen and federal employees.
  • Agricultural employees who work fewer than 30 days or earn less than $1,200 in a calendar year from a sole employer.
  • Employees who are exempt due to religious beliefs or their executive status.
We’ve been helping businesses find the coverage they need for years. To learn more, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

Proof of Workers’ Compensation PA Coverage

To prove you have the right insurance coverage in your state, you may want a certificate of insurance that shows what workers’ comp policy you have. This document will outline which injuries your policy covers.

What’s Covered by Workman’s Comp in PA?

workmans comp PAWorkers’ compensation insurance in PA is good for both you and your employees. It provides benefits to your employees if they become injured or ill for work-related reasons. It can also provide payments to your employees’ beneficiaries if they die due to a work-related cause.
If an employee gets a work-related injury or illness, it’s important that they report it to you within 120 days. You can then file a claim with your insurance company.
 Pennsylvania workers’ compensation insurance covers:4
  • Injuries that result from an employee’s work at your business.
  • Illnesses from exposure to chemicals or allergens on the job.
  • Repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome.
Workers’ compensation in PA offers several benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness, including:
  • Health care expenses like surgery, doctor visits, medicine, medical equipment and lab tests.
  • Ongoing care expenses for treatments like physical therapy or rehabilitation services.
  • Partial disability payments for employees that are unable to work at full capacity.
  • Death benefits for an employee’s family if they die from a work-related injury or illness within 300 weeks of the injury.
  • Total disability payments for employees who are unable to return to work at all.
  • Permanent injury payments, which may compensate for loss of a body part.

Get a Quote for Workers’ Compensation in PA

We’ve helped our customers find the coverages they need for over 200 years. To learn more about workers’ compensation, get an online quote from us today.

PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Pennsylvania workers compensation actThe PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation requires most employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits to their employees. If you do not have coverage, you may face lawsuits from your workers who get injured or sick. You can also be subject to criminal prosecution by the commonwealth.
In 1915, the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act.5 Under this act, the Department of Labor and Industry and the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation may carry out administrative and appeal obligations.
The agencies can also determine compensation for injured workers or workers that have an occupational disease as a result of their employment. Each injured or ill employee will receive a compensation rating that determines their level of impairment. This rating is between 0 and 100 and helps you and your insurance company understand how injured or ill your employee is.
It’s also important to note that your injured or ill employees can receive workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who was a fault for the accident.

PA Workers’ Compensation Laws

Under the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, your employees can receive a weekly wage to cover their medical treatment and lost wages after suffering a work-related injury or disease. Workers’ comp allows you to provide benefits to your employees while also protecting yourself from lawsuits.
With workers’ comp, your employees receive coverage for the entire period of their employment. This means that coverage begins the first day on their job regardless of the employee's previous physical condition.7

Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Claims

Pennsylvania workers compensationTo file a claim for workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania, visit our workers’ compensation claims page today.
Última actualización: 10 de mayo de 2024
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2,3,5,6 “Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act," Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.
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