Workers’ Comp in Montana

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Workers’ Compensation in Montana

workers' comp montanaWorkers' compensation insurance in Montana can help pay your employees’ medical costs if they get a work-related injury or illness. This coverage can also help replace your employees’ lost income if they need time off work to recover.
If your injured or ill employee files a lawsuit against your business, workers’ compensation insurance can also help pay your legal defense costs. To learn how much workers’ comp insurance for small business is needed, get a quote today.

Who Needs Montana Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

montana workers' compensationMontana workers’ compensation laws require almost every business with employees to carry workers’ comp coverage. Luckily, it’s easy to get a policy with private insurance carriers, like us.
We can also help you get proof of coverage. This is important for every business owner who has Montana workers’ compensation insurance. This official document helps prove that your business has workers’ comp and explains what types of injuries your policy covers. Many times, you’ll need to show proof of coverage to clients before they will even do business with you.
To learn more about workers’ compensation insurance and proof of coverage, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Montana?

Workers’ compensation in the state of Montana covers a variety of work-related incidents. It provides benefits to employees who get injured or ill on the job. Once an employee has returned to work, the benefits stop. Workers’ comp is also beneficial for employers in Big Sky Country because it can limit your liability in case of injuries and illnesses. Learn more about Montana workers’ compensation regulations on the Department of Labor’s web page.

What Montana Workers’ Comp Covers

Montana workers’ compensation can help cover:
  • Repetitive injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome, from repeated strain during the workday.
  • Accidents or injuries that take place at work and need medical care. For example, if one of your employees slips in the warehouse and goes to the emergency room, workers’ comp can help cover their cost.
  • Funeral costs if an employee dies due to a work-related accident. Workers’ comp would help provide death benefits to their family.
  • Illnesses when employees contract an occupational disease from risky chemicals or other substances. Workers’ comp can help pay for their medical treatments.
  • Wage loss benefits when an employee needs time off to recover from a work-related injury. Workers’ comp can help replace some of the money they lose by not being able to work.
  • Disability benefits if an employee suffers a severe injury that prohibits them from working for a certain amount of time.
  • Ongoing care when an employee needs long-term treatment, like months of physical therapy, to help them recover from an injury or illness.
Keep in mind that you don’t need to provide workers’ compensation for independent contractors. Instead, you’ll want to make sure your independent contractors have an exemption for workers’ comp or purchase it themselves.1

Montana State Workers’ Comp

montana workmans' compMontana workers’ comp helps protect sick or injured workers.2 Every business with employees needs to provide workers’ compensation insurance.
You can purchase workers’ compensation through the Montana state fund or through a private insurance company, like us. Purchasing coverage through a private insurance company can give you more workers’ compensation benefits. To learn more, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

How Do You File a Workers’ Comp Claim in Montana?

Your employees should report on-the-job injuries or illnesses right away to their:
  • Supervisor
  • Insurer
  • Empleador
To receive workers’ compensation, they must report the injury within 30 days of the incident. The notice should include the time and place of injury and details of the injury itself. After the insurance company receives the first report of injury, the insurer has 30 days to respond to the claim with either an approval or denial. If one of your employees needs a First Report of Injury (FROI) form, they can find it at the Montana Department of Labor and Industry’s website. It’s also important to note that there are fee schedules for Montana workers’ compensation benefits. This schedule outlines the maximum amount an insurance company can charge for medical treatment for your employee’s injury.
To file workers’ compensation claims, visit our workers’ comp claims page for forms and more information. You can also learn more about workers’ comp coverage in Montana by getting a quote today. We’re an insurance company that’s been helping small businesses like yours get the coverage they need for over 200 years.
1 Montana Department of Labor & Industry, “Requirements for Independent Contractor Exemption Certificates”
2 Montana State Fund, “What Is Workers’ Comp?”
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