Missouri Workers’ Compensation

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Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law

Missouri workers' compensationMissouri workers’ compensation law requires businesses with five or more employees to carry coverage.1 The law, created by the Missouri General Assembly, gives your employees workers’ compensation insurance benefits if they get a work-related injury or illness.
You can get Missouri workers’ compensation insurance from a private insurance company, like The Hartford. We can help get workers comp insurance for small business owners anywhere in Missouri, including places like:
  • Jefferson City
  • Springfield
  • Joplin
Obtenga una workers’ compensation insurance quote today and see how we can help protect your business and employees.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Missouri?

Workman's comp MissouriMissouri workers’ compensation insurance can help:
  • Pay for medical bills
  • Protect you against lawsuits for work injuries or illnesses
  • Replace an employee’s lost wages if they have to miss work
In most cases, your employees will get payments based on their average weekly wage before they got hurt or sick from their job. It’s important to let your employees know that workers’ compensation payments can reduce any Social Security benefits.2

What Missouri Workers’ Compensation Covers

Missouri workers’ compensation insurance helps cover:
  • Accidents or injuries due to work-related activities
  • Illnesses caused from working with harmful chemicals or allergens
  • Ongoing medical care, like surgeries or physical therapy
  • Repetitive stress injuries that develop over time, like carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Missed wages if an employee can’t work because of a work-related injury or illness
  • Disability benefits if a job-related injury or illness causes a permanent or temporary disability
  • Funeral costs if an employee loses their life in a workplace accident
The State of Missouri allows employers to choose a doctor for their sick or injured workers. Employees can choose their own doctor, but it will be at their own expense.3 Employers can also ask employees to use paid leave time if they need to see a doctor during work hours.4
When it comes to disability benefits, Missouri uses a compensation chart to decide the number of weeks an employee will receive payment for certain injuries. You can find more information about the compensation chart on Missouri’s Department of Labor website.

Does Workers’ Comp Always Offer a Settlement in MO?

Workers’ comp claims and disputes can lead to settlements in Missouri. When an employee gets an injury or illness from their job, the Missouri Division of Workers’ Compensation can help. They make sure injured workers get the benefits that workers’ compensation law requires. Judges in the division have the power to approve workers’ compensation settlements and can also issue awards related to an injured workers’ benefits.5

Missouri Workers’ Compensation Rates

Workers’ comp insurers calculate Missouri workers’ compensation rates by using classification codes and your company’s payroll per $100. Insurers may use other factors to determine costs.
A calculation you can use to help estimate your business’ workers’ compensation rate is:
Workers’ Classification Code Rates X Experience Modification Number X (Payroll / $100) = Premium**
The best way to see what your business will pay is to get a workers’ compensation insurance quote.

Does Missouri Require Workers’ Compensation?

Businesses need workers’ compensation coverage if there are at least five employees. This includes members of a limited liability company and corporate officers. Construction companies also need coverage if there’s at least one employee.6
Businesses don’t need to offer coverage for certain types of employees, like those in public labor organizations. This includes:7
  • Railroad employees
  • Postal employees
  • Maritime employees
These kinds of employees receive workers’ compensation insurance coverage at the federal level.8
Other exceptions to Missouri’s workers’ compensation law include:9
  • Sole proprietors
  • Members of a partnership
  • Farm laborers
  • Domestic workers in private homes
  • Qualified real estate agents
  • Direct sellers
  • Occasional labor performed for or related to a private household
  • Unpaid volunteers of a tax-exempt organization operating under the standards of section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) of the federal Internal Revenue Code
Even if your business has less than five employees or you don’t need to offer coverage, you should still consider it for the peace of mind. Without workers’ compensation, your business would have to pay out of pocket for an employee’s medical care. Not only that, but your business also faces the risk of lawsuits that employees can file if they get hurt or sick from their job.

Missouri Workers’ Compensation Claims and Quotes

Missouri workers' compensationTo file a claim for workers’ compensation, visit our workers’ comp claims page where you’ll find:
  • Helpful tools
  • Claim forms
  • Claims tracking
** This is a simplified calculation for educational purposes only. Actual premium calculations can be more complex. Experience mods are subject to state requirements and do not apply to every policy.
1,6 “Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, “Who Is Required to Carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage?”
2 SocialSecurity.gov, “How Workers’ Compensation and Other Disability Payments May Affect Your Benefits”
3,4 Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, “Get Medical Care”
5 Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, “About Workers’ Compensation”
7,8,9 Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, “Workers’ Compensation Insurance”
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