Maryland Workers’ Compensation

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Maryland Workers’ Comp

Maryland workers' compensation Maryland workers’ compensation insurance provides coverage for Old Line State employees who suffer a work-related injury. Workers’ compensation coverage can help pay for:
  • Lost wages
  • Atención médica
  • Death benefits
It can also help cover the cost of legal advice and fees if your employee files a lawsuit against your business due to an accidental injury. Having workers’ comp insurance in Maryland is a requirement that actually helps you as a small business owner. It can help protect your business if:
  • An employee gets carpal tunnel syndrome from performing the same repetitive motion each day, requiring physical therapy to heal.
  • One of your delivery drivers gets in an accident with a company car while on their way to drop off an order, helping cover the cost of their treatment and ongoing care.
  • A worker falls off a ladder while restocking your store’s shelves, breaking their leg. This insurance will help pay for their medical expenses as they recover.
To learn more about Maryland’s workers’ compensation laws and requirements, obtener una cotización from us today.

Is Workers’ Comp Required in MD?

md workers compWorkers’ compensation requirements vary by state. However, Maryland businesses are required to have workers’ compensation coverage for both full-time and part-time employees. This coverage helps pay medical expenses for ill or injured workers. It can also help your covered employees keep some of their lost wages if they need time off to recover after a work-related accident. This coverage is easy to get from a private insurance company, like us.
You can also ask us for proof of coverage when you get your policy. This is known as a certificate of insurance, outlining the different types of injuries your policy provides coverage for.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Maryland Cover?

Your workers’ compensation insurance policy can help cover:
  • Accidents or injuries: If your employee gets hurt because of their job, workers’ comp helps cover the medical costs to treat the injury.
  • Illnesses: Working conditions may expose employees to harmful chemicals or allergens that can lead to illnesses. Workers’ comp can help cover the medical costs to treat an occupational disease.
  • Repetitive injury: Not all work-related injuries happen in one single incident. Repetitive injuries can take months or even years to develop. Workers’ comp can help cover the costs to treat repetitive injuries, like carpal tunnel.
  • Lost wages: Employees who get hurt or sick on the job can receive partial replacement of lost wages.
  • Ongoing care: Workers’ comp can help pay for physical therapy costs throughout your course of employment.
  • Funeral costs: If there is an employee death due to a worker-related accident, the employee’s family can receive benefits to help cover the funeral.
  • Disability: Sometimes a disability may prevent an employee from returning to work in the same capacity. Disabled employees can receive benefits to help pay for medical bills and lost wages.

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work in Maryland?

workers compensation insurance marylandWorkers’ compensation insurance in Maryland provides coverage for medical costs and legal fees if one of your employees gets injured on the job. Employers in Maryland need prior approval from the Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Employers may also have to pay a penalty up to $10,000 for not having workers’ comp coverage. If you’re a corporation, the officers responsible for the general management will pay the fine.1

Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission

The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission can provide resources for both employees and employers. They provide the necessary forms and materials at no charge. The Commission also has a variety of ways to check in on your workers’ compensation claims. You can check your claim status online through the Public Claim Data Inquiry or by phone at 410-864-5100.

Maryland Workers’ Compensation Rates

  • Insurance premiums
  • Payments made under deductible
  • The administrative costs of handling claims and making reports to the state and your insurer
Workers’ compensation rates in Maryland depend on factors like your business’:
  • Tamaño
  • Tipo de trabajo
  • Claims history
The best way to find workers’ compensation insurance that’s right for your business is to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today.

Maryland Workers’ Compensation Claims

To file a claim for workers’ compensation in Maryland, visit our workers’ comp claims page. We can help you obtener una cotización and answer any questions you may have. We’ve been helping our customers get the coverage they need for over 200 years.
1 Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission, “Questions & Answers for Employers”
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