General Liability Insurance Claims

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General liability insurance, also known as commercial general liability insurance, helps protect businesses from claims that it caused bodily injury or property damage to others. We can help you understand all there is to know about general liability insurance claims, such as:
  • Types of Claims
  • How To File a Claim
  • Filing a Claim With The Hartford
  • Preguntas frecuentes

Five Types of Claims That General Liability Insurance Covers

general liability insurance for small business
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It's a question we hear often: "Does my small business need general liability insurance?" Chances are, the answer is yes. With general liability insurance coverage, you'll have protection from claims of:
bodily injury in general liability
1. Bodily Injury
If a customer injures themselves in your place of business, this policy can help cover their medical bills.
commercial property general liability insurance
2. Property Damage
Employees sometimes damage customers' property while delivering products or services. Your GL policy can help pay for the damages.
general liability coverage
3. Reputational Harm
General liability insurance policies can help cover malicious prosecution, slander, libel, wrongful eviction and violating a person's privacy.
general liability personal and advertising injury
4. Advertising Injuries
Claims of copyright infringement are covered with a general liability policy.
damage to rented premises general liability
5. Damage to Premises Rented to You
If your rented property is damaged by fire, lightning or an explosion, your general liability policy can help pay for repairs.

How To File a General Liability Claim

Follow these steps to file a general liability claim:

1. Contact Your Insurance Agent or Insurance Carrier

When you find out about an incident or if there’s an injury at your business, contact your insurance agent or carrier as soon as you can. If you don’t, it can cause a delay in the claim getting resolved.

2. Collect Information

Your insurance company will need to know some basic information about your business and general liability coverage. Before contacting your insurer, make sure you have the following information handy:
  • Su nombre
  • Your business’ name
  • General liability insurance policy number
  • Claim information
This is also the time to ask questions about the claim process. Whether you’re wondering how long it can take or if you need to provide more information, ask your insurance representative for answers.

3. Document Everything

If you’re contacted by the third party that’s suing you or filing a claim against your business, keep track of it. Any messages or correspondence with the third party should be recorded.
It’s also a good idea to do the same thing with conversations between you and your insurer. That way, you have documents and information that you can reference if needed.

4. Decide How To Resolve the Claim

If a claim turns into a lawsuit, you’ll have to think about how to resolve it. This can mean trying settle, arguing for a dismissal or going to court for a trial.

How To File a General Liability Claim With The Hartford

Presentar una reclamación en The Hartford es fácil. You can report your claim using our online general liability claim reporting form. It shows you how to file a general liability claim and allows you to take your time and collect all the necessary details you need to complete the claim process.
To report your claim, we’ll need your:
  • Policyholder information. This includes your name, contact information, policy number, type of coverage, information on your policy limits and more.
  • Knowledge of how the accident or loss occurred. This can include details about injuries, witnesses, damages and when the incident occurred.
After you provide this information, our entry screens will prompt you for the rest of the information you need. As you go through them, you only need to fill out the information that you know.
You can also call our Claims Center for assistance at any time. We’re open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached at 800-327-3636. Our representatives will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the claims process.

Common Questions About Liability Insurance Claims

What Is a General Liability Claim?

General liability insurance claims involve bodily injury or property damage to others. These are common types of claims and risks that small business owners face.

How Do General Liability Insurance Claims Work?

General liability insurance covers bodily injuries and property damage claims that your business may have caused. If someone reports a claim or sues your business for one of these reasons, your general liability policy can help pay your costs to respond to it.

Why Get General Liability Insurance From The Hartford

We’ve been helping customers out of tough situations for more than 200 years. Whether property gets damaged, someone gets hurt or someone claims you slandered them, we’ve got your back.
Our specialists understand the risks and challenges that your small business faces. They can help you choose the right general liability insurance protection for your business’ specific needs. Together, you’ll find the protection that is best for your business.
If you’re looking for general liability insurance coverage, obtener una cotización today in just a few minutes and see how we can help protect your business.
Última actualización: 16 de febrero, 2024
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