Commercial Property Insurance FAQs

Commercial property insurance helps protect your business' owned or rented building, tools, equipment and inventory used to operate your business. We're answering frequently asked questions we hear about commercial property insurance.
small business owners feel secure knowing answers to Commercial Property Insurance FAQs

Preguntas sobre Coberturas

While commercial property insurance isn’t required by law, your landlord may require you to have it as a part of your rental or lease agreement. Commercial property insurance is also considered an essential type of small business insurance, so it’s a good idea to consider having it even if it’s not required by your landlord or lease agreement.
If you have a home-based business, you can benefit from having commercial property insurance to help protect your company’s physical assets. Commercial property insurance provides more extensive coverage than what you’d get with your typical homeowner’s insurance policy. Your standard homeowner’s policy doesn’t protect your business’ technology, equipment, files or inventory. Your home policy also can’t protect your business property if it’s stored in a different location.
If you work for yourself and own, rent or lease a physical location, commercial property insurance can help. Even if you work out of your home, you probably have business equipment or physical assets you’ll need to protect. In addition, if you own any important tools, equipment or inventory that are stored at your company’s location, commercial property insurance is one of the best ways to help protect your property from physical damage or theft.
Commercial property insurance typically only protects property at the business location listed on your policy. If you need to protect your property while it’s in transit, you can consider adding on inland marine insurance coverages, like motor truck cargo insurance. Motor truck cargo insurance helps protect your cargo while it’s in transit or in temporary storage. If you’re a small business who delivers perishable goods, like food or flowers, The Hartford offers coverage for perishable goods in transit too.
Commercial property insurance does not cover your vehicles used for business reasons. If your business owns, rents or leases any vehicles used for business reasons, you’ll need el seguro comercial para automóviles. If you use your personal vehicle for work-related driving, you’ll still want to have commercial auto insurance to help protect you if accidents occur while on the job. 
Yes, commercial property insurance from The Hartford includes business interruption insurance, also known as business income insurance. This coverage can help replace your lost income if you can’t operate your business because of a covered property damage. Business interruption insurance is also included in a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), along with general liability insurance and commercial property insurance.
The amount of coverage a small business owner needs will vary based on the type of building, cost of the building, location, occupancy and the level of fire and threat protection it has. It may also depend on the type of work you do and if you have any important equipment or tools stored at your company’s building. Our specialists can help walk you through the right coverages and limits for your business. Get a fast and free quote for commercial property insurance online or give us a call at 855-829-1683.
Commercial property insurance helps cover your company’s valuable papers and records and electronic data if they’re damaged, destroyed or stolen. Valuable papers and records coverage covers the loss or damage of important papers such as financial records, medical records, property deeds, blueprints or any other important documents. In addition, electronic data coverage will help pay for the cost to replace or restore your electronic data, or the electronic data of others in your care, custody or control, if it’s been destroyed or corrupted, or access to such data has been prevented.

Cost Questions

Insurance companies use several factors to calculate your cost for commercial property insurance, including but not limited to your:
  • Location: If your business is located in a populated area that has higher risk for crime or vandalism, you may pay a higher rate.
  • Property’s construction: Materials used in the construction of your business can impact your commercial property insurance cost. For example, buildings made from fire-resistant materials will typically cost less to insure.
  • Property’s occupancy: Businesses with larger amounts of people consistently on the premises, like restaurants, will likely pay higher insurance costs.
  • Fire and threat protection: Installing safety features like smoke detectors and burglar alarms at your business may help lower your rate.
While costs can vary between different businesses and industries, there’s a few things you can do that may help reduce your business insurance premium, such as:
  • Raise your deductible 
  • Bundle coverages
  • Mantenga un buen historial de crédito
  • Evaluate your business’ property for potential risks
The age and condition of your commercial property can have an impact on your insurance costs. Older buildings may have structural differences that are not up to today’s ordinances or laws for commercial buildings. In addition, older properties may also have outdated electrical systems, fire alarms or sprinkler systems, and plumbing. Insurance companies may charge more to cover older buildings because it may have higher risks for property damage.

Policy Questions

You can contact your agent or The Hartford directly to make changes to your commercial property insurance policy. Our specialists can help you adjust your coverage and help determine what coverages you may need to add to your policy to meet your specific needs.
You can cancel your commercial insurance policy at any time, but you’ll likely have to pay a fee if you’re canceling before your policy’s expiration date. Insurance companies also might charge you more for insurance if you’ve canceled a previous policy before its expiration date. Once your policy expiration date arrives, you can choose whether you’d like to renew or cancel your policy without a fee. Keep in mind that without commercial property insurance, your business is exposed to significant financial loss if something happens to your property while you’re uninsured.
You should plan to review and update your commercial property insurance policy once a year with your insurance company or agent. Depending on your industry, you may want to evaluate your current policy, coverages and risks monthly or quarterly. For most small businesses, it’s common to review and update your policy annually when it’s time for renewal. Typically, your insurer, agent or broker will reach out to you directly at renewal time.

Additional Commercial Property Insurance Questions

If you rent or lease a commercial building, you’ll likely need commercial property insurance. Be sure to check your rental or lease agreement to find out if your landlord requires you to have certain types of commercial insurance.
If your new business operates out of a property you own, rent or lease, you’ll likely want to have commercial property insurance to keep you protected. Most small business owners start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP), which combines commercial property insurance, general liability insurance and business income insurance into one policy.
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.