Ohio (OH) Business Insurance

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Choose The Hartford for Your Ohio Small Business Insurance Needs

oh business insuranceWe’ve been providing small businesses insurance in Ohio for over 100 years. We can provide your business with a variety of OH business insurance options to ensure that you are protected. We’re also a commercial auto insurer that can help cover you and your employees while you’re driving for work.
In Ohio, small businesses have had a significant part in the state’s economic growth, creating 44,523 net new jobs in 2019 and employing nearly 2.2 million people.1 It’s important to understand the seguro de negocio options available to you as a small business owner. This can help you protect your business and employees in case of an accident or claim.
To learn more about OH commercial insurance, read through the sections below.

Types of Ohio Business Insurance Offered

General Liability Insurance in Ohio

Business liability insurance, also known as general liability insurance, protects your operation from claims involving:
  • Lesiones corporales
  • Personal property damage
  • Reputational harm
small business insurance ohioWe combine business liability insurance and business property insurance into one policy with our Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). This helps protect your business from property damage claims resulting from fire, theft or other disasters.
Policies that are included in a BOP are:
  • Commercial property coverage
  • General liability coverage
  • Business income coverage
A Business Owner’s Policy is one of the best insurance solutions because it provides broad coverage and can be customized. For example, you can add policies like data breach or errors and omissions coverage to help your BOP fit your needs exactly.
You should consider a Business Owner’s Policy if:
  • There is a possibility you could be sued for a customer getting injured at your workplace
  • Your business operates out of a physical location where property damage could take place
  • You have essential equipment or other property that could be stolen or damaged

Ohio Business Income Insurance

Business income insurance in Ohio helps protect your business by replacing lost income and covering payroll or other expenses if your business is forced to stop operating due to covered property damage. This coverage is available with a BOP and can be crucial to a business owner in their time of need. It can help make ends meet while you get back on your feet. Most small companies can benefit from business income insurance.
You should consider a BOP if your:
  • Business requires specific equipment to operate that is not easily replaceable when damaged and could stop or slow your business operations for weeks or months
  • Overhead for rent, payroll and other bills is expensive and you would not be able to cover it without a month of revenue
  • Business relies on a physical location to provide services (like a hair salon or spa) that would be stopped in the event of a fire at the site

Home-Based Business Insurance Ohio

Home-Based businesses are becoming more popular in Ohio with the rise of startups and new business owners wanting to keep their overhead low. Home-based business insurance can be added to a Business Owner’s Policy to help protect those business owners operating out of their homes.
Home-based business insurance can help cover claims resulting from:
  • Daños a la propiedad
  • Employee injuries
  • Client injuries
  • Data loss
  • Potential lawsuits
You should consider home-based insurance if you:
  • Have customers who come to meetings at your home
  • Keep sensitive client information and records on your home computer
  • Have employees who work out of your house
  • Could lose business income if your home was damaged

Data Breach Insurance Ohio

Lots of Ohio businesses use software and cloud storage to keep intellectual property, sensitive customer information, company data and more. There is always the risk of that data being stolen or illegally shared, whether intentionally or accidentally. Data breach insurance can help protect your business in cases like these.
Data breach insurance, which some insurers call cyber insurance, can also help your business assess potential data breach risks and advise you on security measures to prevent them. For example, it can help in scenarios like:
  • A hacker breaking into your network and stealing your customer’s bank account information and Social Security numbers
  • Your intellectual property getting stolen and competitors gaining access to it
  • Losing access to the sensitive customer information you stored on third-party software

Does Ohio Require Business Insurance?

general liability insurance ohioOhio requires businesses with employees to buy workers’ compensation insurance from the state agency. Ohio workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness. It can help cover medical treatment costs.
Whether you’re looking to learn more about workers’ comp or other business insurance coverages in Ohio, there are a number of resources that can help:
  • The Department of Insurance in Ohio governs and regulates all insurance policies sold in the state and can help your business if you have questions about an insurance agency or your perspective policy.
  • The Ohio Small Business Administration has helpful, unbiased information about what types of insurance to buy on their website.
We can also help answer any questions you have. We’re an insurance company that’s been protecting small businesses in Ohio for nearly 200 years. To learn more, obtener una cotización.

How Much Is Business Insurance in Ohio?

Our customers paid an average of $906 annually, or about $75 a month, for business insurance coverage in Ohio.2 Remember, the cost of your business insurance coverage can vary depending on the type of company you’re running. Generally, the cost ranges from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand a year. However, higher risk businesses often pay more for insurance.
Some factors that can influence your cost include your:
  • Business operation’s size
  • Number of employees
  • Coverage needs
To learn more about the costs of your business insurance, obtener una cotización from us today.

Additional Ohio Business Insurance Links

Get a Quote for OH Business Insurance

We’re an insurance company you can count on to get the coverages you need at the right price. Reciba una cotización on Small Business Insurance for your business today.
Last Updated: November 16, 2023
1 U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), “2020 Small Business Profile in Ohio”
2 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.