Business Insurance in New Hampshire

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Choose The Hartford for Your New Hampshire Business Insurance Needs

Business Insurance New HampshireIn 2019, New Hampshire had 134,760 small businesses, making up 99% of companies throughout the state. These businesses employed over 295,000 people, making up almost half of the private workforce.1 Each of these small companies need business insurance for a variety of reasons, and many times it’s required by the state.
Business insurance Manchester NHWe’ve been providing seguro para pequeñas empresas to NH companies for hundreds of years. So, whether you need business insurance in Manchester NH or any other city or town in the state, you can count on us to get the coverage you need.
Más información sobre seguro de negocio, why it’s so important and how it can keep you protected.

Types of NH Business Insurance Offered

Professional liability insurance NHProfessional Liability Insurance in NH

Su professional liability insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance or E&O coverage. It’s a highly recommended policy because it helps protect your business from claims of negligent acts, errors or omissions related to the professional services your business provides.
For example, if one of your employees negligently gives inaccurate professional advice to a client that ends up costing them money, your professional liability coverage can help pay legal costs they sue you.

General liability insurance NHGeneral Liability Insurance in NH

General liability insurance is sometimes referred to as business liability insurance. It can help protect your business from liability claims resulting in:
  • Lesiones corporales
  • Daños a la propiedad
  • Personal and advertising injury
So, if a customer accidentally slips and breaks their leg while shopping at your store, this coverage can help pay for their medical bills.

Business liability insurance NHDo You Need to Have Business Liability Insurance in NH?

While New Hampshire doesn’t require el seguro de responsabilidad comercial by law, it is a needed coverage for most business owners. This coverage can help pay the repair costs if your employee accidentally damages a customer’s property while working at their home.

Business Owner’s Policy in New Hampshire

Un Business Owners’ Policy, also referred to as a BOP, combines these three essential coverages under one policy:
  • Business property insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Business income insurance
BOP insurance can help protect your NH small business from claims resulting from:
  • Incendio
  • Robo
  • Lesiones corporales
  • Property damage to others
A Business Owner’s Policy can also help cover against personal and advertising injury that could arise from your company’s operation. NH businesses can tailor a BOP to address their unique risks by adding additional coverages to their policy.
Consider a Business Owner’s Policy for your NH small business if:
  • You have property like office equipment, furniture, cash, inventory or customer data that can be stolen.
  • A customer could sue your NH small business if they’re hurt at your workplace.
  • Your NH small business has a physical location, such as an office or storefront, that you own or rent.

New Hampshire Data Breach Insurance

Data breach insurance and cyber liability insurance coverage can help pay for data breaches. It’ll help cover costs for things like:
  • Legal costs if your business gets sued for losing confidential or sensitive data
  • Credit and fraud monitoring
  • Public relations expenses
You’ll want data breach coverage before a cyber attack because it’ll help you restore the public’s confidence in your NH small business if you sustain a data breach.
Consider data beach insurance for your New Hampshire business if your company stores personally identifiable information, including:
  • Medical or patient records
  • Credit card information

Workers’ Compensation Insurance in New Hampshire

Workers' compensation insurance, also called workman's comp insurance, provides benefits to employees for work-related injuries or illnesses including:
  • Atención médica
  • Replacing lost wages from time off for recovery
  • Funeral benefits
Workers’ compensation insurance can help protect your New Hampshire small business if an employee:
  • Injures her neck lifting a box of office supplies and requires medical attention, physical therapy and time off work.
  • Slips on wet stairs while walking into the office, injuring himself and requiring weeks of recovery time following an emergency room visit.
  • Gets in a car accident while returning to the office from a client meeting and requires an ambulance ride and medical care.

Minimum Requirements for Business Insurance in New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s labor laws require businesses to have worker’s compensation that covers all their employees. Workers’ Compensation coverage is not needed for volunteer workers in the state of New Hampshire.
If your employees travel outside of the country for work throughout the year, the standard workers’ compensation policy will provide statutory state coverage in NH. 2 Learn more about NH business insurance requirements at

Additional New Hampshire Business Insurance Links

Reciba una cotización on Small Business Insurance today.

What Kind of Insurance Do You Need to Start a Business in New Hampshire?

To start a new business in New Hampshire, you’ll need to get a workers’ compensation policy.
However, it’s also a good idea to get these recommended insurance coverages:
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
  • Data breach insurance

Is Liability Insurance Required in New Hampshire?

In NH, you’ll need minimum bodily injury and property damage liability limits for your commercial auto insurance policy. It’s also a good idea to get general liability insurance to help protect you from common risks that businesses face every day.

Do I Need a Business License to Get Insurance in New Hampshire?

Certain jobs will require a professional license in order to practice in the U.S., such as accountants.

Where Can I Get Liability Insurance for My Small Business in New Hampshire?

You can get liability coverage from companies that offer business insurance policies. Comparing quotes from multiple companies will help you see who offers the best rates with the coverages you need. To get started, obtener una cotización from us today.
1 Small Business Administration (SBA), “Small Business Profile”
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.