Lawn Care Insurance

lawn care business insurance

Lawn Care Insurance That’s a Cut Above

From mowing to fertilizing to weeding, we know there’s so much to running a lawn care business. That’s why we’ve created customized insurance for lawn care businesses, helping cover all the hard work you do so you can focus on keeping your business growing.
lawn care business insurance

Do You Need Insurance for a Lawn Care Business?

Business insurance is essential for lawn care businesses. It helps protect your business from financial loss due to claims that can come up during normal operations. From mowing the lawn to seeding and maintaining a yard, your small business faces unique risks. Without lawn care insurance, you’d have to pay out of pocket for claims against your business.
Lawn care business insurance

What Type of Insurance Do I Need for a Lawn Care Business?

There are many different types of insurance to consider as a business owner. Many lawn care business owners start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). This combines three types of coverage that are essential to small business owners:
We know every small business is different. So, we’ve made it easy for business owners to customize their BOP to add the insurance coverage they need.
Lawn care businesses may also need other essential types of business insurance, including:
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Professional liability insurance
We know every small business is different. So, we’ve made it easy for business owners to customize their BOP to add the insurance coverage they need.
Lawn care insurance

How Much Does Insurance for a Lawn Care Business Cost?

Lawn care business insurance costs vary because every business is different. On average, small businesses pay about $805 annually for general liability insurance coverage. If they get a Business Owners’ Policy (BOP), they’ll pay an average of about $1,019 annually.** Remember, lawn care insurance costs can vary depending on the type of business.
Insurance companies use many factors to determine coverage costs, which can include your:
  • Claims history
  • Number of employees
  • Lugar
  • Tipo de trabajo
The best way to find your business’ insurance cost is to obtener una cotización.

Who Needs Lawn Care Business Insurance?

  • Landscaping businesses
  • A lawn care company
  • Aerating and seeding businesses
  • Commercial lawn care companies
  • Residential lawn care specialists

Covering Your Lawn Care Operations

Operating a lawn care business means working with sharp tools and heavy machinery. If someone is accidentally hurt by you or an employee or someone in your crew damages another person’s property, it can put your business at financial risk. That’s why lawn care insurance is important to have.
Over the past decade, there were over 3.2 million lawn and garden injuries, more than 26,000 injuries a month.1
insurance for lawn care business

Special Customer Requests

“A customer asked us to install a fence in their backyard. Because it’s not part of our normally offered services, we had to make sure we got the right insurance coverage.”
Short-term general liability insurance can help protect your landscaping business for projects that take between two hours and two weeks to complete. It can help protect your business from claims that it caused bodily injury or property damage to others.
insurance for lawn care

Customer Sickness

“I treated one of my client’s lawns with a new product from one of our vendors. Within a week, she called and said she had a rash after playing with her dog in the grass. Turns out it was from the chemicals in the spray I used.”
Our herbicide and pesticide coverage can help protect your lawn care business if your customers get sick from the chemicals your company uses.

Protecting Your Lawn Care Property

Your business’ property and company vehicles are an important part of your lawn care company’s success. If they get damaged, destroyed or stolen on a job site, being able to fix or replace them quickly is important. With lawn care business insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing your property and equipment are protected from many risks.
In 2019, traffic accidents cost employers $72.2 billion.2
lawn care business insurance cost

Stolen Business Equipment

“Someone broke into my business’ storage garage and stole some tools and equipment. We couldn’t complete our job until we were able to replace the stolen tools.”
Business income insurance can help replace your lost income if you can’t operate because of covered property damage or theft.
lawn care insurance cost

Damaged Equipment

“A fire broke out in our neighboring business and damaged some of our equipment so bad that we couldn’t use our tools.”
Commercial property insurance can help protect your owned or rented equipment and building. This type of insurance can help cover your business’ repair or replacement costs for damaged property.

Covering Your Lawn Service Team

If your employees get hurt or sick from their job, it can cause them to miss work as they recover. This can have an impact on your business’ productivity and your team’s morale. Having the right type of lawn care insurance can help protect your employees.
Landscaping businesses, like lawn care services, have higher-than-average rates of both fatal and nonfatal injuries compared to other industries.3
lawn care liability insurance

Employee Injury

“One of my workers was cleaning a lawn mower after a job and cut his hand on the blade. He had to go to urgent care and get stitches.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related injuries or illnesses. Be aware that most states require this coverage if you have employees.
insurance for lawn care business

Car Accident

“My employee was driving our business truck to complete a quarterly service for one of our customers. On the way there, he got into an accident and the truck had to get towed.”
Commercial auto insurance can help protect your employees on the road while driving a company-owned vehicle for business. It can help cover bodily injuries and property damage from an accident caused by your business.

Lawn Care Insurance You Can Trust

When it comes to protecting your lawn care business, partnering with an experienced insurance company is important. We know the challenges your industry faces and offer lawn care insurance coverage that can help protect your business. In the beginning stages? Más información sobre how to start a landscaping business  hoy mismo.
Find out more about similar professions and businesses we insure:

Common Questions About Lawn Care Insurance

Yes, your business’ building, tools and equipment that you used to operate are protected with commercial property insurance. Many small businesses choose to get a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) because it combines three essential types of coverage, including commercial property insurance. You can also get commercial property insurance as a standalone policy.
To get the insurance coverages you need for your lawn care business, you can get a quote online. Or, work with an agent that specializes in small business insurance and will help find the right type of insurance for you.
Lawn care business insurance

Here for You, 24/7

Don’t be left waiting when a job comes your way. Get your certificate of insurance through our online system instantly.
liability insurance for lawn care

Lawn Care Insurance Made for Your Business

Get the protection you need to help keep your small business running successfully.

For Larger Firms

Larger landscaping & arborist firms typically require specialized insurance coverage.
Última actualización: 8 de febrero, 2024
** Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford’s Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/13/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
1 LawnStarter, “Yard Equipment, More Than Lawn Mowers, Can Land You in ER”
2 Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, “Cost of Motor Vehicle Crashes to Employers 2019”
3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Workers’ Compensation Data Sheds Light on Hazards in Landscaping”
Divulgaciones adicionales a continuación.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.