Food Cart Insurance

small business owners feeling secure knowing they're covered by food cart insurance

Food Cart Insurance That Serves You Best

Managing a food cart business takes long hours and hard work. Don’t let an unexpected accident put your business at risk. With food cart insurance, you’ll have coverage you can count on – no matter where you’re serving today’s menu.
small business owners feeling secure knowing they're covered by food cart insurance
small business owners are happy to be covered by mobile food cart insurance

Insure Your Mobile Food Cart for as Low as $232 a Month**

Food cart insurance is a type of business insurance customized to help financially protect against risks that could come up on the job. This type of insurance combines several essential coverage options to help protect food carts and food cart owners if an injury, illness, lawsuit or equipment breakdown happens.
Help protect your small business with these essential coverages:
small business covered by hot dog cart insurance

Who Needs Food Cart Insurance?

We offer food cart insurance coverage for many types of food and beverage carts, including:
  • Hot dog carts
  • Coffee carts
  • Burger carts
  • Taco carts
  • Ice cream carts
  • Popcorn stands
  • Pretzel stands
small business owner feeling secure with food cart liability insurance

How Much Is Food Cart Insurance?

On average, food cart owners paid about $232 a month, or $2,778 annually, for business insurance with The Hartford.** Keep in mind that insurance rates and requirements will vary. Some factors that may influence your cost for coverage include your:
  • Type of assets
  • Lugar
  • Revenue
  • Number of employees
  • Claims history
To learn more about food cart insurance costs, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo. 

Help Protect Your Operations

Food cart owners spend long hours preparing food and serving customers. With the right insurance coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing your company is protected from customer lawsuits or employee injuries.
Slips and falls account for more than 1 million visits to the emergency room per year.1
Workers' Compensation Insurance for Pet Sitters

Customer Slip and Fall

“A customer was standing in my food cart line when they slipped and fell on food that had dropped on the ground. They injured their wrist and needed medical treatment.”
General liability insurance that’s included in a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) can help cover claims alleging that your business caused bodily injury to someone else. This coverage can help cover medical bills and legal costs if they sue your business.
Liquor Liability Insurance for Food Trucks

Food Contamination

“A few customers complained that they got sick after eating at my food cart. It turned out that one of the ingredients I was using was contaminated. The local department of health shut us down temporarily while they investigated.”
Our business income for food contamination can help recover lost income and necessary expenses if a government agency shuts your business down due to food contamination.

Help Protect Your Team

Your team is a key part of your recipe for success. That’s why making sure they’re protected is so important. Get coverage specific to your food cart to help make sure you protect your business – and your employees – best.
In 2023, small businesses employed 61.6 million people across the United States.2
Workers' Compensation Insurance for Food Trucks

Injured Employee

“My food prepper accidentally cut his finger while chopping fruit. I had him go to urgent care immediately and they had to give him stitches, requiring him to need some time off work.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees financial benefits to help them recover from work-related injuries or illnesses. And it will help protect you if your employee sues you because of the injury.
Tax Preparer Liability Insurance

Employee Lawsuits

“One of my newest employees kept showing up late. After countless warnings, I made the decision to let her go. The next thing I know, she filed a lawsuit against my business.”
Employment practices liability insurance can help cover claims of wrongful termination, discrimination and retaliation.

Help Protect Your Property

While your food cart is the main part of your business, it’s important to make sure other physical assets, like your food, inventory and any vehicles you use for business purposes are protected too. Food cart insurance can help reduce your risk of loss.
Roughly 40% of all food trucks are still in business after 3 years.3
Perishable Foods in Transit Coverage for Food Trucks

Spoiled Products

“We brought our food cart to a local fair. When we got there, we realized our refrigerating equipment had malfunctioned on the way. Our food products ended up spoiling, and we couldn’t serve any food that day. Actually, we couldn’t serve anything until the equipment was repaired.”
We offer perishable goods in transit coverage. If there’s damage due to a mechanical breakdown or from getting overturned in a collision, this coverage can help pay for the loss.
Commercial auto insurance for food trucks

Auto Accidents

“While on the way to bring the food cart to a school event, a car ran a red light and collided with my truck. Luckily, I was okay, but my food cart was damaged and needed to be repaired.”
Commercial auto insurance helps cover you and your employees on the road if you’re driving a business vehicle for work-related reasons. This coverage helps pay for medical costs and property damage from an auto accident that happens while on the job.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mobile Food Cart Insurance

Food cart insurance coverage helps protect your business from claims that your company caused someone bodily injury, illness or property damage. It can also help pay legal costs if you’re sued by an employee. Business insurance for food carts can help protect your vehicles and equipment used for work too.
Your food cart business needs insurance because it helps cover the costs associated with property damage and liability claims. Without food cart insurance, you’d have to pay out of pocket for costly legal claims and damages against your business. In some instances, an employee lawsuit or customer claim could be financially devastating to a small business. In addition, some states may require you to carry certain types of business insurance.
The best way to get food cart insurance from The Hartford is to obtener una cotización. We make it easy for you to get a fast and free insurance quote online. In just a few minutes, you can find insurance customized for the needs of your food cart business.
small business covered by coffee cart insurance

Get a Quote for Food Cart Insurance Today

We’re an insurance company with over 200 years of experience, helping 1.5 million small business owners find the protection they need. Get the coverage you need to keep your food cart business running successfully.
Find out more about other insurance policies for restaurant and food service businesses:
Última actualización: 24 de julio de 2024
1 National Fall Safety Institute, “Slip & Fall Quick Facts.”
2 Small Business Administration (SBA), “2023 Small Business Profile.”
3 Zippia, “21 Important Food Truck Statistics (2023).”
** Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.