Food Truck Insurance

Food Truck Insurance

Food Truck Insurance Coverage Created Just for You

When it comes to protecting your food truck business, having the right food truck insurance is part of the recipe for success. Find the coverage you need through our partner, Tivly.
Food Truck Insurance
insurance for food trucks

What Is Food Truck Insurance?

Food truck insurance is a type of seguro de negocio that’s customized to protect against the unique risks that come with the job. This type of insurance policy combines multiple coverages that help protect food trucks and food truck owners in the event of accidents, injuries, illnesses, lawsuits and equipment breakdowns.
Although The Hartford does not offer business insurance for food trucks at this time, we’ve partnered with Tivly to help you find the insurance you need.
small business owner giving testimonial on having food truck insurance from The Hartford

Hear From Our Customers

“We had a mishap last year in November. I don't think without having good insurance I'd still be in business ... We were on the telephone with The Hartford right away. When I first called them up, they were kind and sympathetic and it sounded as if the person on the other side of the phone was standing right there with me ... It was smooth and seamless and they were very reactive and very quick.”
– Buck Buchanan, Owner and Operator of Lumpy’s Ice Cream

What Types of Insurance for Food Trucks Are Recommended?

Commercial food trucks face more unique risks than other small businesses. You can customize your business insurance policy by adding additional coverages. Some of the most common coverage options for food truck businesses include:
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP): Combines property and general liability insurance into one business insurance policy. A BOP helps cover your business from claims resulting from things like fire, theft or other covered losses.
  • Commercial Auto Insurance: Helps protect you and your employees while you’re out on the road driving covered vehicles for work. If one of your employees gets into a car accident while on the job, this coverage can help pay for medical costs and property damage.
  • General Liability Insurance: Protects your business and its assets if you’re involved in claims of negligence, bodily injury, advertising injury or property damage. Without this liability coverage, you’d have to pay for these lawsuits out of pocket.
  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Gives your employees benefits to help them recover from work-related bodily injuries or illnesses. Workers’ comp can also help cover medical expenses, rehabilitation and lost wages.
  • Liquor Liability Insurance: Helps protect businesses that sell, serve or distribute alcohol. This type of insurance can also help cover claims of bodily injury or property damage that an intoxicated customer causes after your company served them alcohol.
food truck insurance cost

How Much Does Food Truck Insurance Cost?

The cost of food truck insurance varies. Insurance companies use different factors to calculate what you’ll pay for coverage, including:
  • Number of employees
  • Lugar
  • Type of coverage
  • Claims history
  • Selected coverage limits
Who Needs Food Truck Insurance?

Who Needs Food Truck Insurance?

Some types of businesses that may consider having food truck insurance include:
  • Mobile food trucks
  • Ice cream trucks
  • Catering trucks
  • Vending trucks
  • Lunch trucks
  • Concession trucks

Covering Your Food Truck Operations

Food truck owners spend countless hours traveling and cooking for customers. With the right type of commercial insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re protected if the unexpected happens.
Workers' Compensation Insurance for Pet Sitters

Seguro general contra terceros

“A customer was walking behind my food truck when they slipped and fell on leaking water coming from my truck. He injured his arm and needed to go to urgent care to have it looked at.”
General liability insurance can help cover claims alleging that your business caused bodily injury to someone else. This coverage can help pay for the person’s medical treatments and your legal costs if they sue your business.
Liquor Liability Insurance for Food Trucks

Liquor Liability Insurance

“Our food truck serves alcohol and was hired for a special event. Someone attending the event ended up drinking too much and fell. He broke his ankle and needed medical treatment.”
Liquor liability insurance for food trucks can help protect your business from legal fees if customers are injured or cause damage after you serve them alcohol.

Taking Care of Your Food Truck Team

Your job isn’t just about making delicious food. From cutting and slicing ingredients to lifting and carrying heavy boxes, we know there are many risks you face daily while running your food truck business. Keep your company and staff protected with business insurance you can count on.
Workers' Compensation Insurance for Food Trucks

Compensación para trabajadores

“One of my employees was carrying cases of beverages into our truck when he tweaked his back. He must have picked up the box wrong because he immediately felt pain when he stood up. He couldn’t work for a few days and had to go to physical therapy.”
Workers’ compensation insurance covers your employees and helps them recover from a work-related injury or illness.
Tax Preparer Liability Insurance

Seguro contra terceros por prácticas de empleo

“One of my new employees kept showing up late to her shift for weeks. After countless warnings, I made the decision to let her go. The next thing I know, she filed a lawsuit against my business.”
Employment practices liability insurance can help cover claims related to wrongful termination, discrimination and retaliation.

Protecting Your Food Truck Property

While your truck is the most essential asset to your company, it’s also important to protect other types of property. Food truck insurance can help you protect your equipment.
Commercial auto insurance for food trucks

Seguro comercial para automóviles

“On our way to an event, our food truck hit a patch of ice and slid into a pole. Luckily, we were okay, but the front of our truck was damaged.”
Commercial auto insurance can help keep you and your employees safe on the road while you’re driving for business, picking up supplies or delivering goods. This coverage can help pay for medical costs and property damage from an auto accident that happens while on the job.
Perishable Foods in Transit Coverage for Food Trucks

Perishable Foods in Transit Coverage

“One of our customers called to complain about getting ill from eating spoiled food from our food truck. We discovered that our refrigerator unit in the truck broke and didn’t keep our food fresh.”
Many insurance providers offer Perishable Foods in Transit coverage to help replace ruined or spoiled items.
Food Truck Insurance Quote

Get a Quote for Food Truck Insurance

With the right type of insurance for your food truck business, you can focus more on what’s important to you, like serving your customers. Get a food truck insurance quote through our partner, Tivly.
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Ciertas coberturas varían según el estado y es posible que no estén disponibles para todas las empresas. All Hartford coverages and services described on this page may be offered by one or more of the property and casualty insurance company subsidiaries of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. listed in the Aviso legal.
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.