Food Delivery Driver Insurance

Food Delivery Driver Insurance

Stay Protected Behind the Wheel With Food Delivery Driver Insurance

From bad weather to inexperienced drivers, delivering food comes with risks. That’s why food delivery driver insurance is essential for your restaurant.
Food Delivery Driver Insurance

Is There Insurance for Food Delivery Drivers?

Restaurants with food delivery drivers can get various types of seguro de negocio to protect their business, drivers and staff. As a business owner who runs a restaurant, you know offering food delivery services helps with sales, but it comes with added risks. That’s why it’s important to make sure you get the right insurance coverages.
Some coverage options you may want to include in your risk management plan include:
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Non-owned and hired auto insurance
  • General liability insurance
Food delivery insurance

Who Needs Food Delivery Driver Insurance?

Delivery insurance can benefit many types of businesses, such as:
  • Restaurant delivery drivers
  • Takeout restaurants
  • Ghost kitchens

What Should I Have for Food Delivery Driver Insurance?

Most restaurants and food service options start with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) for their insurance needs. It combines three essential types of coverage:
  • General liability insurance, which helps protect you from claims that your delivery business caused bodily injury or property damage to others.
  • Commercial property insurance to help protect the owned or rented building, tools, equipment and inventory you use for your delivery services.
  • Business income insurance, which can replace your lost income if you can’t operate your delivery business because of covered property loss.
Delivery driver insurance cost

How Much Is Insurance for Food Delivery Businesses?

On average, our customers paid $1,019 a year or about $85 a month for a BOP.1 Remember, insurance costs for food delivery businesses vary. The best way to find out your insurance costs is to obtener una cotización.

Protecting Your Food Delivery Company Property

While your food delivery business’ vehicles are essential to your company, it’s important to protect other types of property. From food to inventory, delivery insurance can help reduce your risk of loss.
The average cost to start a food delivery business is more than $19,000.2
Delivery liability insurance

Kitchen Fire

“My sous chef was making a dish for an online order when one of the skillets got too hot and created a grease fire. It spread throughout the kitchen and damaged a lot of our equipment.”
Commercial property insurance can help repair or replace damaged equipment, tools and inventory you use to operate your delivery business.
Delivery insurance liability


“One of our customers called to complain about spoiled food in their last delivery. Turns out the refrigerator unit in our box truck broke and didn’t keep our food fresh.”
We offer Perishable Foods in Transit coverage to help replace ruined items.

Covering Your Food Delivery Operations

Your restaurant business faces enough risks at your location. When drivers leave to deliver orders, they face even more. That’s why having the right type of delivery insurance can help keep you protected.
Small businesses face a large burden of legal costs in the U.S.3
Delivery insurance

Customer Injury

“I was using a hand truck when making a delivery at a customer’s home. The customer tripped over the hand truck and fell. He needed to go to urgent care to have his arm looked at.”
General liability insurance can help cover claims that your business caused a bodily injury to someone else. It can help pay for their medical treatments and legal costs if they sue your business.
Fast food delivery insurance

Food Contamination

“A customer reported that they got food poisoning from our restaurant. We soon discovered that we received a shipment of contaminated food. We had to shut down temporarily and get our kitchen inspected.”
If a government authority finds that your restaurant caused food poisoning to at least one person due to food contamination and you must shut down your business temporarily, Business Income for Food Contamination coverage can help recover lost income.

Protecting Your Food Delivery Team

Your food delivery employees have a role in your business’ success. If they get hurt or sick from their job, they can miss work. Food delivery insurance can help them recover and return to work faster.
There were 49,500 nonfatal injuries or illnesses in the couriers and express delivery industry in 2020.4
Car insurance for delivery drivers

Employee Injury

“My driver was delivering food when he tweaked his back. He must have picked up a box wrong because he immediately felt the pain when he stood. He wasn’t able to work for a few days and had to go to physical therapy.”
Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from a work-related injury or illness.
Delivery auto insurance

Customer Lawsuit

“Our delivery driver accidentally walked across a customer’s newly paved driveway causing property damage. The customer ended up suing our restaurant business.”
An Umbrella Coverage Policy can help cover claims like customer lawsuits that are greater than your General Liability Insurance Policy limits.

Food Delivery Insurance Made Just for You

Not all insurance companies are the same. We’re an insurance company that’s backed by more than 200 years of experience. That means we understand the unique risks that your restaurant faces with delivery services. Our team can help you get the right type of coverage, so you can focus on what’s most important to you. 
insurance for food delivery drivers

Food Delivery Driver Insurance That Has Your Back

Get the protection you need to help keep your restaurant’s deliveries running successfully.
Last Updated: November 16, 2023
1 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford's Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
2 Starter Story, “How Much Does It Cost to Start a Food Delivery Business?”
3 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform, “New Study: Lawsuit System Costs Small Businesses $182 Billion”
4 U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, “Numbers of Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses by Industry and Case Types, 2020”
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The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, CT. For additional details, please read The Hartford’s Legal Notice.
* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.