The Hartford’s Stigma-Free Program

The Hartford’s Stigma-Free Program

Breaking Down Stigma in the Workplace

We’re helping employers understand how to dispel stigma in the workplace, which continues to be one of the biggest barriers for employees who need support. Estamos educating, advocating, and creating programs that help dispel stigma associated with mental health, all while encouraging support and recovery.
The Hartford’s Stigma-Free Program

Prioritizing Mental Health

Today’s mental health crisis requires a multi-stakeholder response. We are proud to partner with leaders in the mental health movement, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and Active Minds. Together, we can change the dialogue around mental health in the workplace and improve the lives of millions of Americans.

The Hartford’s Research Shows:

Of employers say employee mental health negatively impacts their company.
Of U.S. workers are experiencing some level of burnout at work.
Of U.S. workers feel depressed or anxious at least a few times per week.
“Employers who prioritize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), invest in employee mental health, and lead with empathy will differentiate themselves in the marketplace, achieve better business outcomes and help millions of Americans enjoy healthier lives.”
– The Hartford’s Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Swift
Supporting Today’s Employees

Supporting Today’s Employees

The youngest generation in today’s workforce needs extra mental health support. Gen Z workers in our national survey said they’re more stressed, depressed or anxious in a typical week than older peers. That’s why we’re supporting a series of online chats designed for this generation. 
Listen to the Conversations