Work From Home Workers’ Compensation

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How Does Workers’ Compensation for Remote Workers Work?

workers compensation for remote workersSmall businesses that operate from home with remote workers generally still need workers’ compensation insurance. This coverage is important because it can help pay medical costs for injuries that occur on the job for your employees. So, if your remote employee develops carpal tunnel from typing on the job, workers’ comp can help pay for their medical bills.
It’s also important to note that under the personal comfort doctrine, employees can engage in personal comfort activities during the day and still be covered under workers’ compensation.
To learn more about workers’ comp when working from home, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

Is Workers’ Comp Required When Working From Home?

work from home workers compensationUnderstanding workers’ compensation when working from home doesn’t have to be complicated. In most cases, home offices need workers’ compensation coverage. However, state workers’ compensation insurance requirements vary. Most states have minimum coverage amounts. So, before you get your policy, you’ll want to check your state laws to make sure you’re in compliance.
Is workers’ compensation required for my business?” It’s a question most small business owners want to know the answer to. We’re here to help. You can get a free online quote today to learn more about workers’ compensation coverage and find out what you need. It’s also important to get workers’ compensation for self employed and independent contractors that work for your business.

What Happens if You Get Injured While Working From Home?

Workers’ comp benefits can help pay for medical expenses if you or an employee get work-related injuries while performing job duties during work hours. So, if your employee is injured after falling in their home office, workers’ compensation insurance can pay for their medical care. Employees should contact their employer immediately after work-related injuries occur.
Not sure how telecommuting and workers’ compensation works? Generally, this policy does help cover telecommuting employees. If an injury or illness happens when employees work from home, workers’ comp insurance can help if it was due to their job duties.

How To Reduce Risks of Workers' Comp, Work From Home Safety

In addition to providing a safe work environment, small business owners with employees working from home can benefit from workers’ compensation insurance. This policy reduces your risk throughout your workers’ course of employment by providing benefits to them if they get a work-related injury or illness. Not sure how workers’ compensation and remote jobs work? Generally, it also helps cover employees doing remote work for you.
We’re an insurance company that’s been helping small business owners get the coverage they need for over 200 years. You can count on us to get you the workers’ compensation coverage you need at the right price. To learn more, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.
Last Updated: December 29, 2022
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