Get a Workers’ Compensation Quote

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What Is Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Workers’ compensation insurance gives your employees benefits to help them recover from a work-related injury or illness. It can help cover medical expenses and lost wages as they recover. You may have heard other names for this insurance, like workers’ comp coverage or workman’s comp. Most states require workers’ comp insurance. We can help you get a workers’ compensation quote. 
Workers'compensation quoteYou may be wondering if certain types of liability insurance, like general liability insurance, will cover work-related injuries or illnesses. The answer is no. That’s why it’s important to have workers’ compensation insurance. Without it, you’d have to pay out of pocket to cover your employees’ medical bills.
We have over 200 years of experience in helping protect all different types of small businesses. We make it fast and easy for you to get a workers’ compensation quote. Just answer a few questions about your business and you’ll find out your workers’ comp insurance cost.
Start a quote today and see how we can help protect your business and employees.

Benefits of Workers’ Compensation for Your Business

Workers' compensation insurance quoteThere are many benefits of workers’ compensation coverage. Your employees may face a risk of injury or illness due to their job. If that happens, workers’ comp insurance protects employees. The benefits can help cover medical treatment as they recover.
As an employer, workers’ compensation insurance can protect your business because employees typically can’t sue you for their work-related injury or illness. 
Also, because most states require workers’ compensation coverage, having this insurance can prevent you from paying expensive fines or facing criminal charges.

How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cost?

Quote for workers compensation insuranceMost of our customers with less than $300,000 in payroll paid an average of $81 a month for workers’ compensation insurance.1 But remember, costs vary and can depend on:
  • The state your business operates in
  • Previous claims history
  • Nómina de Sueldos
The best way to find out your business’ workers’ compensation insurance cost is to obtener una cotización.

What’s Covered in a Workers’ Comp Policy?

A workers’ comp policy helps cover work-related injuries and illnesses that your employees get on the job. It provides benefits that can help cover their medical bills as well as:
  • Lost wages if they miss work to recover
  • Death benefits if an employee loses their life in a workplace accident
  • Disability benefits if an employee gets sick or is injured on the job and it leaves them partially or permanently disabled
There are certain exemptions to what a workers’ comp policy will cover. For example, this coverage won’t help if the injury or illness happened:
  • While the employee was intoxicated
  • Due to an illegal activity
  • After an intentional act
As an insurance company with over 200 years of experience, we’ve helped businesses get through the unexpected. We know getting workers’ comp coverage can be complicated. Thankfully, we make it easy for you to get a workers’ compensation insurance quote. And if you need help with a claim, we’ve got your back. Start a quote  hoy mismo.
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
1 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford’s Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.