Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation

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Wisconsin workers' compensationWisconsin Workers’ Compensation Insurance

In the state of Wisconsin, workers’ compensation insurance is required. In fact, the Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation Act states that most businesses with at least three employees need workers’ compensation insurance.1 This coverage is also known as workers’ comp or workman’s comp insurance.
Your workers’ compensation policy gives your employees important benefits they need to recover if they suffer from an illness or injury at work. For example, it can help to:
  • Pay for your employees’ medical care
  • Replace lost wages your employees need to miss work to recover
  • Cover funeral costs if an employee loses their life in a work-related incident
Workers’ compensation can also help protect you and your business from lawsuits filed against you.

Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation Coverage

In Wisconsin, workers’ comp insurance can help nearly all public and private employees, including:2
  • Workers who are family, except farm workers in some cases
  • Minors
  • Part-time workers
  • Corporate officers
Workers’ comp insurance can help cover:3
  • Physical injuries, like cuts or sprains that happen as a result of an employee’s job.
  • Mental harm, such as nervous disorders, hysteria, traumatic neurosis or brain injuries caused by work accidents.
  • Occupational diseases from a work-related substance, condition or activity.
  • Illnesses caused by an employee's job. This can be due to poorly ventilated workspaces or chemicals.
  • Disabilities due to a work-related injury or illness. Employees with a disability can qualify for vocational rehabilitation or retraining benefits.

How Does Workers’ Comp Work in Wisconsin?

workers compensation insurance wisconsinWisconsin workers’ compensation helps pay for benefits to employees with work-related injuries or illnesses. However, like most states, Wisconsin has timeframes that you and your employees are required to follow. If a work-related injury occurs, your employee must notify you within 30 days.
You can dispute your employee’s workers’ compensation claim if you don’t agree with it. If both sides can’t reach a settlement, a hearing with an administrative judge will take place.4

Does Wisconsin Require Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Workers’ comp is required in Wisconsin if you have three or more employees at your business. However, there are some exceptions to the state law, such as:5
  • Domestic workers who typically work in households
  • Workers in a different trade than your business
  • Farm workers, unless you have six or more employees working 20 or more days in the year
  • Volunteers, including those for nonprofit organizations that receive money or items that equal more than $10 a week
  • Religious sect members if they have certification for exemption
  • Workers at Native American businesses, including casinos
Be aware that if your business has fewer than three employees but you pay them $500 or more in any quarter, you may still need workers’ comp coverage.

How Much Is Workers’ Comp in Wisconsin?

how much is workers comp in wisconsinThe cost of workers’ compensation varies from business to business. Some factors that can impact how much you pay for your workers’ comp coverage costs include your:
  • State’s workers’ compensation laws
  • Number of employees and payroll
  • Industria

Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation Quote

Somos una compañía de seguros con más de 200 años de experiencia. We’re proud to have helped over 1 million small business owners, and we’re here to do the same for you. To learn more, get a workers’ compensation insurance quote  hoy mismo.

Wisconsin Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pool

If you can’t get workers’ compensation coverage from a private insurance company, the Wisconsin Rating Bureau can help. This can give businesses with higher risks the coverage they need.6
You can find more information on the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development website.
1,2,3,4,5,6 Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, “Workers’ Compensation Guide”
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