Virginia Workers’ Compensation

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Virginia Workers’ Compensation Laws

Virginia workers' compensationThe Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act says businesses with two or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance.1 This insurance helps employees recover from work-related injuries or illnesses.
The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (VWC) oversees workers’ comp in the Old Dominion state. It’s responsible for enforcing the state’s laws, administering benefits and resolving disputes. The commission is made up of:
  • Three commissioners
  • Executive director
  • Chief deputy commissioner
Virginia employers can get workers’ compensation insurance from private insurance companies, like The Hartford. Get a workers’ compensation insurance quote  hoy mismo.

Virginia Workers’ Compensation Coverage Requirements

When it comes to workers’ comp, Virginia requirements can be complex. Workers’ compensation rules and laws detail who counts as an employee and what types of businesses may be exempt.
Employers with at least two employees in the Commonwealth of Virginia have to carry workers’ comp. This law applies to businesses with:2
  • Part-time employees
  • Full-time employees
  • Seasonal workers
  • Temporary employees
  • Trainees
  • Employees related to the business owner
  • Subcontractors
Virginia does exempt sole proprietors from this requirement, but only if they don’t have employees or hire subcontractors for work.3

Proof of Coverage

This is also known as a certificate of insurance (COI). It’s important for any business owner, because it helps prove you have workers’ compensation in Virginia. Your COI can also include details about your policy and the types of injuries it covers.
Getting proof of insurance is easy when you have coverage through The Hartford. Get started with a workers’ compensation insurance quote  hoy mismo.

What Virginia (VA) Workers’ Comp Covers

VA workers' compWorkers’ compensation insurance gives benefits to employees that get hurt or sick from their job. It can also help replace some of their lost income if they can’t work. Virginia workers’ comp can help cover:
Disability payments if a work-related injury or illness leaves an employee temporarily or permanently disabled.
Accident or injury sustained while working. Workers’ comp can help pay for the medical expenses of injured workers if they get hurt in a work accident.
Illness, also known as occupational disease, caused from an employee’s working conditions. For example, exposure to harmful chemicals or allergens can lead to illness.
Repetitive injuries, also known as repetitive stress injuries, which can take time to develop. An example of this type of injury is carpal tunnel syndrome.
Ongoing medical treatment, like physical therapy, for an employee’s work-related injury or illness.
Wage loss if an employee can’t work because of their work-related injury or illness.
Death benefits to help pay for an employee’s funeral if they lose their life in a work incident.

How to File VA Workers’ Compensation Claims

VA workers' compensationIf your employee gets a work-related injury or illness, they have 30 days from the time of the incident to report it to you.4
You’ll then have to file a report of accident with the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission within 10 days.5 If you don’t do this on time, your employee may not receive workers’ compensation benefits.6
We can help you file a claim for workers’ compensation in Virginia. To get started, visit our workers’ compensation claims page today.
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4, 5, 6 Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, “Injured Workers”
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