Vermont Workers’ Compensation Insurance

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Workers’ Compensation Insurance Vermont

Vermont workers' compensation insuranceVermont workers’ compensation laws say that every business with employees needs workers’ compensation insurance. Also known as workman’s comp or workers’ comp, this insurance gives your employees benefits if they get hurt or sick from their job. It also helps you by limiting your liability for a workplace injury.
Employers can get Vermont workers’ compensation coverage from a private insurance company, like The Hartford. Get a workers’ compensation insurance quote  hoy mismo.

Vermont Workers’ Compensation Requirements and Coverage

Is Workers’ Comp Required in Vermont?

Vermont workers' compensationVermont employers need workers’ compensation insurance if they have at least one employee.1 There are a few exceptions to this law, exempting:2
  • Companies with up to four corporate officers or limited liability company (LLC) members
  • A corporation if every corporate officer is excluded from coverage
  • An LLC if there are no members
  • Independent contractors3
Vermont workers’ compensation coverage can help your sick or injured workers if they:
  • Have a pain in their wrist from typing on a computer during the workday
  • Trip down the steps outside of your building and need to go to the emergency room
  • Burn themselves while cooking in the restaurant kitchen
Workers’ compensation insurance regulations can get complicated. It’s important that you have the right coverage and that you comply with Vermont’s workman’s comp laws.

How Long Does Workers’ Comp Last in Vermont and What Does It Cover?

Workers’ compensation insurance helps cover work-related injuries and illnesses, like repetitive stress injuries. Vermont workers’ compensation insurance can help:
  • Pay for medical care if an employee gets hurt or sick from their job.
  • Replace most of their lost wages if they miss work due to an injury or illness from their job.
  • Pay for funeral costs if they lose their life due to a work accident or work-related illness.
  • Cover vocational rehabilitation if they can’t return to their job before getting hurt or sick.
  • Provide disability benefits if a work injury or illness leaves an employee temporarily or permanently disabled.
  • Pay for ongoing care costs, like surgery or physical therapy.
Be aware that there is a limit to certain workers’ compensation benefits in Vermont. If a work-related injury or illness leaves an employee with a total temporary disability, these benefits are available for up to 104 weeks.4 If an employee still needs benefits, the Vermont Department of Labor decides if payment will continue.5

Vermont Workers’ Compensation Vocational Rehabilitation

If your employee is on temporary total disability for over 90 days, they may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation.6 Vocational rehabilitation gives training and guidance to help them return to work.7
Vocational rehabilitation isn’t mandatory. If an employee wants to take part, they can request vocational rehabilitation through you or your insurance carrier. They’ll work with a rehabilitation counselor to create a return-to-work plan.

How Much Does Vermont Workers’ Compensation Cost?

workers' compensation insurance VermontEvery business is different, so workers’ compensation costs vary. Insurance companies use different factors to determine your insurance cost. Vermont workers’ compensation insurance rates can depend on several factors, like:
  • Business experience
  • Industria
  • Nómina de Sueldos
  • Class codes
This simple calculation can help estimate your workers’ comp costs:
Workers’ Class Code Rate X Claims Experience Modifier X (Payroll / $100) = Premium**
The best way to find out how much Vermont workers’ compensation will cost your business is to get a quote today.
If you have little experience or a history of claims, you may not be able to get workers’ compensation coverage from an insurer. You may have to go through the assigned-risk pool. To learn more about the assigned-risk pool:

Vermont Workers’ Compensation Rules About Filing First Report of Injury

If your employee has a work-related injury that needs medical care or causes them to miss work, you should notify your insurance carrier within 72 hours of finding out about it.8 Insurance companies then have 21 days to approve or deny the workers’ comp claim.9
While you wait for the insurance company to make a decision, you can help your employee by:10
  • Directing them to a company-chosen doctor for their first visit. They can change providers by filing Form 8: Change of Health Care Provider.
  • Letting your insurance company know about available work if you find out your employee can only return to certain duties.
  • Encouraging, but not requiring, them to schedule medical appointments outside of working hours if they’re not a full-time employee.
If an injury only needs first-aid treatment, you don’t have to file a First Report of Injury to your insurer. A first-aid-only injury:11
  • Requires a one-time treatment that costs less than $750
  • Doesn’t cause an employee to lose more than one day of work for medical treatment and recovery.
Even though it’s not required, you can still report these kinds of work injuries to Vermont’s Department of Labor using a Form 1: Employer First Report of Injury.

Vermont Workers’ Compensation Claims and Quotes

Vermont workman's compFor filing a workers’ compensation claim in Vermont, visit our workers’ comp claims page today.
If you need to get a workers’ compensation insurance quote, we can help. Our specialists will work with you to get you the kind of coverages that your business needs. Get your quote today and find out how we can help protect your business and employees.
** This is a simplified calculation for educational purposes only. Actual premium calculations can be more complex. Experience mods are subject to state requirements and do not apply to every policy.
1,2 Vermont Department of Labor, “Workers’ Compensation Fact Sheet for Employers”
3 Vermont Department of Labor, “Misclassification”
4,5 Vermont General Assembly, “Title 21: Labor, Chapter 009: Employer’s Liability and Workers’ Compensation”
6,7 Vermont Department of Labor, “Voc Rehab Information for Injured Workers”
8,9,10 Vermont Department of Labor, “Employer’s Responsibility for Reporting an Injury”
11 Vermont Department of Labor, “Employee’s Claim and Employer First Report of Injury: First-Aid Only Injuries and Deductible Policies”
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