Nevada Workers’ Compensation

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Workers’ Compensation Insurance in Nevada

Nevada workers' compensationWith a few exceptions, the state of Nevada requires every business with an employee to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage. This policy helps provide benefits to your employees if they get injured or ill while working. It can also help protect Nevada employers like you through “exclusive remedy,” which prohibits your injured employee from suing you for a work-related injury or illness.1
Remember, it’s your responsibility as a Nevada employer to buy Nevada workers’ compensation insurance. You can get coverage for your small business from a private insurance company, like us. To learn more, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

How Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Work in Nevada?

workers compensation nevadaWorkers’ comp insurance in Nevada can help pay for necessary medical treatment for a work-related injury or illness. It can also replace a Nevada worker’s lost wages if they need time off to recover.
Workers’ compensation insurance can help protect your Nevada business and your workers in situations where:
  • An employee gets into an accident while driving to meet customers for your small business
  • A construction worker falls off a ladder and breaks their leg
  • A restaurant chef accidently gets a burn while cooking in the kitchen
  • A staff member gets injured when a beam falls in your factory
  • An employee is exposed to harmful chemicals at work and passes away

Does Nevada Require Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Nevada employers with at least one employee are required to have workers' compensation insurance coverage. Luckily, getting the right coverage is easy. You can work with an insurance company, like us. Learn whether you need workers’ compensation insuranceobtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

Nevada Workers’ Compensation Exemptions

In Nevada, there are some workers’ comp exemptions, such as:3
  • Employees brought into Nevada on a temporary basis that have workers’ compensation insurance from another state
  • Interstate commerce jobs that aren’t subject to the state of Nevada’s legislature
  • Employment covered by private disability and death benefit plans
  • Casual employment that lasts no more than 20 days and has a total labor cost under $500 (casual employment means a worker only gets hired for work that’s needed)
For more information on Nevada workers’ compensation exemptions, look through the Nevada Department of Business and Industry’s “Employer Guide to Workers’ Comp.”

Nevada Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers’ compensation insurance in Nevada provides benefits to your employees who become hurt, sick or totally disabled due to their job. It can also provide payments to beneficiaries if one of your injured employees passes away due to a work-related injury. Workers’ comp even helps protect insured Nevada employers from claims alleging bodily injury or illness caused by work.
Among other benefits, Nevada workers’ comp provides coverage for:2
  • Medical treatment costs
  • Partial compensation for lost wages
  • Permanent partial disability
  • Permanent total disability
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Dependent benefits in the event of a death
  • Claims-related costs, such as transportation or mileage
Remember that getting coverage is just the first step. From there, you’ll want proof of coverage, also known as a certificate of insurance. This helps you prove your small business has the right workers’ compensation in Nevada.
To learn more about workers’ compensation insurance and how to get proof of coverage, obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.

Nevada Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Nevada workers’ compensation can help cover:
  • Accident costs if your injured worker gets hurt on the job
  • Illnesses caused by exposure to allergens or harmful substances at work
  • Missed wages if your employee takes time off to recover from a work-related injury or illness
  • Ongoing care costs if your employee needs additional medical treatment, such as physical therapy, after a work-related injury or illness
  • Funeral costs if your employee loses their life while on the job
  • Disability benefits if your employee’s work-related injury or illness leaves them totally disabled

How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cost in Nevada?

The cost of workers’ comp insurance in Nevada varies depending on the type of small business and the amount of risk that employees are exposed to. Customers pay an average of $906 annually, or $75 a month, for workers' compensation insurance in Nevada.4 Some factors that influence how much you’ll need to pay for coverage include your:
  • State’s laws
  • Number of employees and payroll size
  • Industria
  • Workers’ compensation claims history

Workers’ Compensation Nevada Rates

The Property and Casualty Section of the Division of Insurance approves workers’ compensation rates.5 Nevada workers’ compensation laws allow for a competitive rating, but not an open rating. This means workers’ compensation insurance premiums get calculated using the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) loss costs, along with a loss-cost multiplier, schedule rating and other factors.6

Nevada Workers’ Compensation Claims & Quotes

To file a state of Nevada workers’ comp claim, visit our workers' compensation claims page today. Most claims will end in a lump sum settlement.

Learn More About Workers’ Comp Benefits

Workers’ comp insurance and benefits can be tricky. We have over 100 years of experience helping protect businesses with workers’ compensation insurance. We can answer your questions and calculate your business’ specific workers’ comp rate. Our specialists will even go over the state of Nevada’s rules and regulations with you to help ensure you get the right coverage.
Obtenga una workers’ compensation insurance quote today and learn how we can help protect you, your employees and business.
Last Updated: November 20, 2023
1,2 Nevada Division of Industrial Relations/Workers’ Compensation Section, “Workers’ Compensation Employers Frequently Asked Questions”
3 Nevada Department of Business and Industry, “Employer Guide – Workers’ Compensation”
4 Premium amounts presented are based on monthly premium paid by The Hartford’s Small Business customers between 1/1/22 and 9/14/23 for 12-month policies. Premium is derived from a number of factors specific to your business and may vary.
5 Nevada Division of Insurance: Department of Business and Industry, “Workers’ Compensation”
6 Nevada Division of Insurance, “Workers’ Compensation Rate Filing”
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