Human Resources Role in Workers’ Compensation

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Workers’ Compensation Defined

human resources workers compensationWhen employees suffer an injury or illness from a work-related cause, workers’ compensation insurance can help provide some wage compensation and medical benefits to the employee. This benefits the employee by providing insurance coverage for work-related injuries and illnesses. Workers’ compensation insurance, also known as workman’s comp, can also help cover the legal fees if a worker’s family decides to sue your business.
Once you’ve obtained workman’s comp insurance, that doesn’t mean your role as a human resources manager is done. There is plenty to consider from understanding the policies and procedures, the claims process, legalities and more.

HR’s Role in Workers’ Compensation

When starting fresh or looking for a new insurance provider, your responsibility may be to secure and implement the new workers’ compensation policies and procedures. The big emphasis sits with human resources to handle claims quickly and fairly to avoid lawsuits against the business. Other considerations must be given to lawful administration of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) policies and procedures.

Claims Process for Workers’ Compensation

The claims process is the most time-consuming part of workers’ compensation for any human resources manager charged with seeing it through. From documentation and reporting to accuracy and investigations, it can be both daunting and relentless. Remember the responsibility to execute the claim falls to you as the employer.
The workers’ compensation claims process can vary from state to state. Here are some general steps you’ll take when going through the workers’ compensation claims process.
You will need the employee to tell you (the employer) that a work injury has occurred. The employee will be seeking workers’ compensation.
This will typically consist of recording details, such as:
  • Type of injury and the affected part of the body
  • Date, time, and location of the injury
  • Employees involved in the accident
  • Details on how the accident happened
  • Medical treatment received
After the employee has seen a health care professional, the employer must officially file a workers’ compensation claim on the employee’s behalf to the insurance company and the state’s workers’ compensation agency office.
The state workers’ compensation agency determines if an investigation should occur. If the workers’ compensation claim is denied by the employer, the employee can also appeal to the workers’ compensation state agency.
Workers’ compensation can be a complex system to navigate. The Hartford goes above and beyond to ensure employees and employers have the tools, resources, and people to help every step of the way to recovery.
Here are a few advantages of having workers’ compensation insurance coverage from The Hartford:
  • Nursed Back to Health gives sick or injured employees access to highly experienced nurse case managers. The nurse case managers can help employees achieve a speedy and healthy recovery.
  • Preferred Medical Provider Network is made up of over 1 million experienced care providers specifically trained to treat work-related injuries.
  • Prescription Drug Features help employees find and fill prescriptions at one of over 65,000 pharmacies across the nation. Mail order service is also available.

Additional Workers’ Compensation Resources for HR Managers

We’ve put together a list of additional resources to help HR managers with workers’ comp:

Get Competitive Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rates from The Hartford

The Hartford has been helping protect businesses for over 200 years. We stand by our customers every step of the way because we understand your specific needs for your business. The Hartford can provide insurance coverages that make sense for you and your business.
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