Workers’ Comp Certificate Of Insurance

What Is a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

workers' compensation certificate of insuranceA certificate of workers’ compensation insurance is an official document from your insurance provider. The certificate of insurance is proof that your company has workers’ compensation insurance to cover your employees if an injury or serious illness happens on the job. The workers’ comp certificate of insurance includes information about who the insurance provider is, your policy number and the dates of coverage. It will also show that your business is following the legal requirements to protect employees.

Who Needs To Have a Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance?

workers' compensation certificate of insuranceIn most states, it’s required by law for businesses to carry workers’ compensation insurance. If you own a business with any amount of employees, you will need a workers’ compensation certificate of insurance to ensure that your employees are covered if they suffer from a work-related injury or serious illness. Even if you employ independent contractors, you may need a workers’ comp certificate of insurance, especially if you work with a government entity.

What Information Does a Certificate of Insurance Workers’ Compensation Include?

A certificate of insurance for workers’ compensation includes useful information about your insurance policy. The workers’ comp certificate of insurance has important dates you should know, like the effective dates and expiration dates of your policy. This document will also include the name of the policyholder and your insurer, your dates of coverage and the type of insurance provided. By having this proof of workers’ compensation, your employees will know that they’re protected while on the job. If your business works with any other companies, you can use the certificate of insurance as proof of workers’ comp insurance.

How Do I Get a Certificate of Insurance for Workers’ Compensation for My Business?

To get a certificate of insurance for workers’ compensation, you’ll need to have an active workers’ comp insurance policy. Once you have an active workers’ compensation insurance policy, you’ll receive a certificate of insurance from your insurance carrier. If you don’t have workers’ compensation insurance yet, you can contact The Hartford to obtener una cotización  hoy mismo.
Última actualización: 10 de julio de 2023
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