Vicarious Liability

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What Is Vicarious Liability?

what is vicarious liabilityVicarious liability is the legal responsibility for another person’s mistake. Small business owners can be held financially accountable for the negligence of their employees, agents or independent contractors. Small business insurance can help cover legal expenses incurred from protecting your business.

What Is the Purpose of Vicarious Liability Insurance?

Vicarious liability insurance protects you and your business from lawsuits resulting from mistakes caused by your employees, the independent contractors you’ve hired or agents that act on behalf of your small business. Various types of insurance policies can help cover the expense of defending yourself against a vicarious liability claim. 

What Are Some Examples of Vicarious Liability?

As a small business owner, you are legally liable for the actions of your employees while at work, whether onsite or offsite. Some types of vicarious liability scenarios include:
  • Harassment or discrimination
  • Personal injuries
  • Daños a la propiedad
  • Slander or libel
  • Copyright infringement
  • Bullying
For example, a car wash business could be held vicariously liable for property damage to a customer’s vehicle if the employees acted carelessly by incorrectly operating the machinery.
Business owners can also be held responsible for the actions of employees outside of the workplace. If a worker wearing your company shirt publicly slanders someone, a formal harassment or discrimination complaint could be raised against your small business.

When Is a Business Vicariously Liable?

Small business owners can face vicarious liability anytime their employees’ actions are deemed negligent or harmful. And while mistakes happen, even a small lawsuit can cause significant financial and reputational damage to your business. Hiring a contractor can also increase your vicarious liability risk as your circle of responsibility broadens. The right insurance coverage can help protect your business from vicarious liability claims.

Vicarious Liability Insurance

vicarious liability insuranceVicarious liability is a day-to-day risk for many business owners, but there are several small business insurance policies that can help cover the cost of defending a vicarious liability claim.

Get Vicarious Liability Coverage Today

vicarious liability coverageWe’re an insurance company backed by more than 200 years of experience. We’ve helped more than one million small business owners and our specialists want to do the same for you. We can work with you to get the types of business insurance your company needs. Obtenga una small business insurance quote today and learn how we can help you.
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