Who Needs Errors and Omissions Insurance?

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Who Needs E&O Insurance?

who needs errors and omissions insuranceErrors and omissions insurance helps protect businesses from mistakes or errors in the professional services they provide. So, any small business that regularly gives their customers advice or offers services to clients should get this coverage. Esto puede incluir:
  • Accounting firms
  • Graphic designers
  • Advertising agencies
  • Marketing consultants
Errors and omissions insurance is also known as professional liability insurance or E&O insurance coverage. It helps pay your legal defense costs if you’re sued for:
  • Negligence
  • Errors or omissions in the services provided
  • Misrepresentation
  • Inaccurate advice
  • Violation of good faith or fair dealing
To learn more about who needs errors and omissions insurance and who needs professional liability insuranceobtener una cotización from us today.

Is E&O Required?

do you need errors and omissions insuranceCertain states do require businesses that offer professional advice or services to buy E&O coverage. However, it’s still a good idea to get this coverage even if it’s not required by your state. Without it, you’ll have to pay for claims out of pocket. If you or your employees make a mistake on the job, E&O coverage can help pay your legal defense costs.
It’s also important to keep in mind that errors and omissions policies have a retroactive date. This is the date your coverage starts on. There is also an extended reporting period that helps cover claims filed within a certain time after your policy expires. In most cases, this is 30 to 60 days.

Why Do I Need Errors & Omissions Insurance?

As a business owner, you can face a lawsuit at any time. That’s why you’ll want errors and omissions coverage. This will help pay your legal fees if you’re sued for mistakes or errors in your services. It’s also important to remember that customers can sue you even if you didn’t make a mistake or error. Without this coverage, you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket for your legal defense costs and settlements.

Do You Need Errors and Omissions Insurance?

do I need e&o insuranceMost small businesses need errors and omissions insurance (E&O) to help protect them from financial loss. This is especially true if you provide advice to customers regularly or you’re seen as an expert in your industry. Some professionals that need this coverage include: 
The coverage you need to help protect your business is based on the type of services you provide. To determine if you need errors and omissions insurance, you can work with insurance professionals or get an errors and omissions insurance quote from us today. You can also ask us about other types of business insurance, like general liability coverage. We’re an insurance company that small businesses have been counting on for over 200 years.
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