Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact

Our Approach to Climate Change

As a U.S. insurer with a track record of environmental leadership, we believe that advancing the energy transition, both with product solutions to support renewable energy and decarbonization technologies and by continuing to reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe), is a societal and business imperative. We embrace these principles throughout our organization and hold ourselves accountable by setting ambitious goals and measuring our progress.
Environmental Impact

Sustainability Reporting

Learn more about our efforts to address climate change and support the energy transition in our Sustainability Report, TCFDStatement on Climate Change y other Sustainability Reports.

Our Net Zero Approach

In April 2022, we announced an ambition to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) for our full range of businesses and operations by 2050, in alignment with the Paris Climate Accord. Through this effort, we seek a pragmatic approach that reflects a balanced transition to a green economy – our priorities must serve both our net zero goal and our commitment to a just, equitable and achievable energy transition, while keeping shareholder value creation central to our journey.

Driving Measurable Progress in Our Operations

For society to make measurable progress towards net zero, we recognize it is critical for companies to prioritize reducing the GHGe profile of their own operations. If all companies effectively implement strategies to reduce GHGe within their control (Scope 1 and 2), reductions of the more challenging indirect value chain emissions (Scope 3) will occur by default.
We have made significant progress in reducing our GHGe since we began reporting our data in 2007. From 2007 to 2019 (the last full year prior to COVID-19), we set and outperformed all of our GHGe reduction goals and reduced Scope 1 and 2 GHGe by 74%. Building on that progress, we have announced a new goal to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by the end of 2030 using 2019 as the base year.
As we seek to reduce 50% of our Scope 1 and 2 GHGe by 2030, we will remain focused on opportunities to:
  1. increase the operational efficiency of our campuses,
  2. maximize the use of our real estate footprint,
  3. execute on fleet reduction, electrification and efficiency strategies, and
  4. produce and/or procure renewable energy.
In addition to these actions, we will continue to invest in credible projects and programs to offset our remaining Scope 1 and 2 emissions and maintain carbon neutrality in our operations.*

Transparency and Collaboration

Our sustainability commitment involves regular, transparent disclosure of our corporate actions and progress. We’ve published our Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report since 2020 and reported to CDP for the 15th year. Our current Climate Change Statement aligns with the 5th Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Hartford also signed a public letter in support of a strong 2030 U.S. climate target pursuant to the Paris Agreement in early 2021.
* Excludes Scope 3 emissions, including employee commuting and business travel.