Special Event Insurance

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Get Peace of Mind With Special Event Insurance From The Hartford

Special Event InsurancePlanning a special event takes time. Whether you’re planning a fundraiser, retirement party or just a special occasion, countless hours go into perfecting every detail to make the big day exactly how you envision. But the unexpected can happen and ruin everything. That’s why it’s so important to have special event insurance, which can help protect you from losing everything that you’ve invested your time and effort into.
With event insurance, your business won’t have to worry about being responsible for most or all of the costs if something changes and you have to cancel or postpone your event.
If you’re a business that sometimes hosts events, you can add special event insurance to your existing seguro de negocio policy with The Hartford. If you own an event planning business, we offer event planner insurance. Contact one of our specialists today to learn more.

What’s Included in a Special Event Insurance Policy?

special event insurance policyA special event insurance policy could help cover financial losses when an accident, illness or problem with a vendor occurs and prevents your event from happening. This insurance coverage can also help protect you if you’re held responsible for an accident at your business’ event that causes bodily injury or property damage.
This type of insurance is typically a combination of two main types of event coverages, but the full coverage will ultimately depend on the coverage options you choose.

Special Event Liability Insurance

special event liability insuranceSpecial event liability coverage can help protect you from financial losses if you’re held responsible for an accident that causes property damage or bodily injury at your event. Some venues may require event planners or hosts to have some type of liability coverage, such as event liability insurance, in order to book the venue.

Event Cancellation Insurance

Event cancellation coverage can help reimburse you for funds such as lost deposits and other charges if unforeseen events force you to cancel or postpone your special event.

Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor liability insurance can help protect you if you serve or distribute alcohol at your event. This type of liability coverage can help cover claims of bodily injury or property damage that an intoxicated guest causes after being served alcohol at your event.

What Types of Events Are Covered With a Special Event Insurance Policy?

Special event insurance covers many different types of events, including:
  • Corporate events
  • Non-profit functions
  • Business meetings
  • Anniversary parties
  • Engagement parties
  • Retirement parties

What Types of Events Are Not Covered Under Special Event Insurance?

Special event insurance coverage is not available for every type of event. For example, these events are not covered:
  • Bachelor/bachelorette parties
  • Gun shows
  • Animal shows
  • Sporting events
  • Events with 500+ guests
  • Events in remote locations

When Should I Buy Special Event Insurance?

event insuranceIt’s typically a good idea to purchase event insurance as soon as you know you’re planning an event. You should consider having special event insurance coverage when you’re ready to start making deposits for your selected location and vendors. It’s a good idea to purchase this type of insurance in advance to ensure you’re protected if something causes you to have to cancel or postpone.

Get a Quote for Special Event Insurance

With a special event insurance policy, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is protected. Reciba una cotización for special event insurance from The Hartford today.
Última actualización: 22 de agosto de 2024
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* Los comentarios de los clientes son recolectados y tabulados por The Hartford y no representan a todos los clientes.