Business Car Insurance

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What Is Business Car Insurance?

Business car insuranceBusiness car insurance helps protect you and your employees on the road if you’re driving a commercial vehicle for business. If you get into a car accident, this type of business insurance can help cover property damage or bodily injury claims. This coverage is also known as el seguro comercial para automóviles or business auto insurance.
Business car insurance coverage applies to vehicles that your company owns. This includes:
  • Autos
  • Trucks
  • Vans
  • Remolques
Be aware that this insurance doesn’t cover vehicles that your business:
  • Arrienda
  • Alquila
  • Hires

How Does a Business Car Insurance Policy Work?

Business car insurance policyIt’s common for employees to drive commercial vehicles for various business reasons. However, let’s say that on their way to a delivery, they rear-end another car and cause significant damage. In addition to the property damage, the other driver sustains injuries and is taken to the hospital. A business car insurance policy can help cover the property damage and medical expenses from the accident. If you didn’t have auto insurance coverage protecting your business, you’d be responsible for claims costs.

Who Needs Business Auto Insurance?

If your business owns vehicles that you or your employees use for work, it’s a good idea to get a business car insurance policy. In the event that you or your employees get into a car accident while driving for business, it can help protect you – even in the event of a fatal accident.
A business auto insurance policy can help protect small businesses and their employees in many ways, including:
  • Driving between different work locations
  • Visiting existing or potential customers
  • Performing deliveries on behalf of the business
A commercial vehicle insurance policy isn’t just for big businesses. Many self-employed individuals can benefit from business insurance because it provides coverage in case you’re involved in an accident while driving for business.

What’s Covered by a Business Car Insurance Policy?

Business car coverages can vary by state and depend on a business owner’s unique needs. Other policies can cover all drivers. In general, commercial auto insurance covers claims of property damage and bodily injury from accidents while driving for business. Policies include coverage for:
  • Auto liability if you or an employee damages someone else’s car
  • Medical bills for injuries due to a crash
  • Uninsured or underinsured motorists
Be aware that a business car insurance policy is different from personal auto insurance. Although business car insurance has similar coverage, like comprehensive coverage and liability coverage, your personal car insurance policy excludes coverage if you get into an accident while driving for business. So, if you get into an accident while driving for work and don’t have business car insurance, you may have to cover claims and medical payments out of pocket.
To get the right coverage for your business, get a commercial auto insurance cita.

When Do I Need Business Car Insurance?

If you or your employees drive company-owned cars for business, a business car insurance policy can help protect you on the road. Business car insurance can help if:
  • You use your car to pick up supplies or deliver products to customers
  • A corporation or partnership owns your vehicles
  • You use a business-owned pickup truck, van or utility vehicle

How Much Does Business Auto Insurance Cost?

Business auto insurance costs vary. Not every policy is the same because small businesses have unique needs. Insurance companies use different factors to determine costs. Esto puede incluir:
  • Claims and driving history
  • Lugar
  • Number of employees
The best way to find out how much business insurance will cost your company is to get a cita.

Do I Need Business Car Insurance on My Car?

Business auto insuranceYou only need business car insurance coverage on your car if your business owns it. If you use your own personal car for business, you’ll need hired and non-owned auto coverage. This helps protect you and your employees on the road while using personally owned, leased or rented vehicles. You can add this coverage to a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP).
Without this coverage, you may be responsible for claims if you get into an accident while driving a company-owned vehicle for business. Your personal auto insurance policy may exclude coverage if you got into an accident while driving for business.

Why Choosing The Hartford Is the Best Choice for Business Car Insurance

We’re an experienced commercial auto insurer offering robust commercial auto coverage for business car insurance. We know each small business has unique needs and risks to face. That’s why we make it easy for business owners to work with our specialists to tailor their car insurance policy. We offer:
  • Downtime loss
  • Rental reimbursement
  • Glass repair waiver of deductible
If you or an employee gets into an accident while driving a business-owned vehicle for work, we’ve got your back. Our specialists are here to help you through the claims process. Our goal is to get your business vehicles back up and running so you can continue to operate.
Get a business car insurance cita today and learn how we can help protect you on the road.
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